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Kabbalah is known to be a secret wisdom. It is precisely this secrecy surrounding Kabbalah that gave rise to numerous legends, falsifications, gossip, ignorant arguments and wrong conclusions. Only at the end of the 20th century was the wisdom of Kabbalah allowed to be revealed to all and even circulated around the world. Therefore, addressing the reader at the beginning of this book, I feel obliged to tear age-old layers off this ancient wisdom that is common to all mankind.
The wisdom of Kabbalah has nothing to do with religion, meaning it is no more related to it than physics, chemistry or mathematics. It is not a religion and this becomes obvious from the fact that religious people know nothing about it and do not understand a word in it.
The most profound knowledge about the laws of the Universe, the method of apprehending the world, the achievement of the Purpose of Creation was originally kept away from the religious masses in the first place. Kabbalah was waiting for the time when mankind matured sufficiently to accept this wisdom and to use it correctly.
Kabbalah allows man to control his destiny; it is the knowledge that was passed to all peoples of the world. It deals with the realm hidden from our five senses. It operates only with spiritual notions, meaning with things that happen above the material level, beyond our perception in the upper world.
Kabbalah describes the upper world by using the language of metaphor or the scientific language.
The metaphorical description: Kabbalah borrows the names of spiritual objects, forces and actions from the language of our world. This is necessary, because we have no words at our disposal that can describe unearthly phenomena. But since a certain force descends from each object in the upper world to form a corresponding object in ours, a Kabbalist living in both worlds sees this connection and describes the spiritual reality by using the names of our world.
However, Kabbalists' descriptions seem like accounts of earthly actions to those who have not yet attained the spiritual realm. Kabbalah speaks exclusively of what happens in the upper world. The use of familiar words and definitions leads to false conceptions and erroneous conclusions. Hence, Kabbalah forbids imagining a connection between the names of our world and their spiritual roots. This is considered the grossest error in Kabbalah. That is why it was forbidden for so many years up to this time: man's development was insufficient, we imagined all sorts of demons and angels where something totally different is meant.
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Our products are designed from sacred geometry. Sacred geometry is a term which describes the geometrical laws which create everything in existence. This term has been used by mathematicians, geometricians, spiritual seekers, anthropologists, and archaeologists to encompass the religious, philosophical, and spiritual beliefs that have sprung up around geometry in all the major cultures during the course of human history. The geometrical laws derived from the flower of life produce
the blueprint of the one consciousness that created life and existence. The moment you connect spirit and geometry you get sacred geometry.
The scientific description:
Starting from the 90-s of the 20th century one is allowed to study Kabbalah and is encouraged to disseminate this wisdom. Why is that so? It is because people stopped thinking of natural forces as manlike creatures, mermaids, centaurs etc. They are now ready to conceive of the upper world as a domain of forces, force fields: the world above matter. Starting from the 16th century, from the period of the Lurian Kabbalah this wisdom began to describe the upper world by using strictly scientific definitions and methods.
What am I living for?
What is the subject of Kabbalah?
Kabbalah deals with the question about the purpose of life. From a very young age man starts asking this question, but then forgets about it in the course of his life. Man cannot traumatize himself indefinitely with this unanswered question. The answer can be found only in one source the wisdom of Kabbalah, which was available only to a chosen few throughout the centuries. Generations have come and gone, but only the representatives of the last generations can receive the irrefragable answer to the most important question.
But even today when Kabbalah has emerged from a secret doctrine to become accessible to practically all our contemporaries, it is intended directly for those who, having matured and even grown old, do not cease to ask themselves this childlike question - what is the point of my life and the life of all mankind?
People who feel this question very sharply come to Kabbalah. They do not feel satisfied and filled in their daily life. They suffer neither manias, nor depressions - they simply cannot reach peace of mind in this life. Why? Kabbalah answers this question.
Stages of development of desires
The development of mankind over thousands of years of its existence is a development and realization of different levels of desire. The search for ways of fulfilling these emerging desires determine this or that level of civilization's evolution and everything we define as technological and scientific progress.
Owing to the fact that desires constantly improve, i.e. vary from smaller to bigger, mankind advances.
Kabbalah divides the entire complex of human desires into five stages:
Primary desires for sex, food (it is said: "Love and famine rule the world...");
The second stage of development of desire striving after riches;
The third stage of development of desire craving for power and fame;
The fourth stage of development of desire - thirst for knowledge;
The fifth stage of development of desire - aspiration to spirituality, to the Creator.
 Desires and Aspirations
The need for sex and food are animal desires, because animals have them as well. Even being in full isolation man feels hunger and the urge to reproduce, i.e. to have sexual relations.
Desires for wealth, power, fame and knowledge are the beginning of human desires, since to satisfy them man must be surrounded by other people.
Man is born, his animal and human desires develop, and then he finds out that their realization does not satisfy him, since his secret but true aspiration which he cannot yet realize and formulate, falls outside the limits of this world.
Man receives this desire from above. It is neither given by nature as animal desire, nor does it develop under the influence of a society as do human desires.
Kabbalah calls this level of desire, the desire of spiritual light or man's soul.
Kabbalah studies the spiritual construction named the general soul or Adam. This construction consists of 600.000 parts, each of them in turn splitting into a multitude of fragments which are located inside earthly desires.
According to Kabbalah, the Creator is a universal force governing the entire creation, which includes all the individual forces of the universe.
Emergence of a new kind of desire
The set of earthly desires is called man's heart. And the fragment (desire), placed from above into the heart, is referred to as a point in heart.
During his biological life in this world man should completely fill his spiritual desire. He will repeatedly come back to our world, until this goal is reached. Thus, each generation in our world constitutes the same 600.000 souls, vested in the bodies of our world.
Each generation are the 600.000 souls in a rank which are progressing forward in order to be filled by spiritual light: the body dies and the soul moves and dresses in a new body, works in it again for the sake of being filled and so on until at a certain stage of development it will be filled with the Supreme Light.
Most people only feel the needs limited by the framework of our world. These include man's creative, intellectual, cultural aspirations and the need to research and understand the structure of our world. This testifies, or indicates that souls dressed in the bodies of these people have not yet reached a desire for spirituality - the fifth stage of our desires' development. Souls of this type do not cause aspirations to develop for what exists outside of the worldly bodies in which they are installed.
But there are a small (so far!) number of souls of a different type. Being installed in a protein body, such a soul forces man to long for something unearthly and eternal. Like others, he tries to be satisfied with what this world can provide, but to no avail. He sees how other people crave for riches and success, and realizes it is no more than a game. He participates in these "games", often not without success, and it brings him no satisfaction.
Gradually, trying himself in this world, disappointed and disenchanted, man begins to feel that his soul demands a different kind of filling. Having at last received a desire for the spiritual, man feels that he can no longer fill himself with earthly pleasures and feels his life is empty. Then he begins to look for the way to fill a new, spiritual desire.
Search and disappointment are the highlights of this new kind of desire, so characteristic of our time. Starting from the middle of the 20th century forward, more and more people are awakening to this spiritual desire sent from above. Being combined with all other desires, it creates a conflict in man's heart. The fifth desire causes inner discomfort and ultimately leads a person to Kabbalah. Such people come to us and we begin to explain how they can fulfill this desire.
However, since spiritual desire descends from above, it cannot be filled with objects of our world. Kabbalah shows man how this most exalted desire can be filled.
Kabbalists, who fill this spiritual desire ("Kabbalah" means "reception" in Hebrew) call this filling the Light or, rather, the Supreme Light.
This Supreme Light is called the Creator, because He both creates this desire and fills it. However, if this desire does not manifest in man he goes on living like all others.
Searching for satisfaction and the process of filling
Human life is a process of endless search. Man incessantly looks for something that can satisfy his new desires: he keeps seeking after food, wealth, sex, power and knowledge. All these desires constantly pop up and alternate in him. Man devotes his entire life to satisfying them.
There are many people in the history of mankind who managed to fill their spiritual desire. In their books they tell us about the search for satisfaction and the process of filling. Their explanations and the description of this process have developed into a science called Kabbalah. Such people call themselves Kabbalists.
Kabbalists explain that while being in our world man should fill his soul with the light so that it will rise to the same spiritual level which it was prior to descending and dressing in man's heart, i.e. his earthly desires. Our task, regardless of all other desires called "heart" or "body", is to fill that point in heart with the Supreme light.
Kabbalists say that filling the soul with the light gives man a sensation of the upper world. This means that he can simultaneously live (feel) both in the upper world, and in ours. He unites these two worlds in him. The state, when man in our world completely corrects and fills his soul at the highest spiritual level, is referred to as the End of correction of a soul or simply "the end of correction".
From the moment he begins to feel aspiration to spirituality a person receives his initial information on Kabbalah. Kabbalah enables the person to master a method of filling his soul, to attain a state of infinite delight, sensation of eternity, absolute knowledge and perfection. Moreover, he receives an opportunity to realize it now, in this world, in this life, instead of coming back again and again to this "not the best" of worlds searching and suffering from birth to death.
Since souls continuously change, develop and improve, the task of Kabbalah is to create a method of reception of the spiritual filling suitable for each generation. This science is called "Kabbalah" reception, because it offers a method of filling the soul with the light. Kabbalah teaches man to receive the Supreme Light and fill the soul with it, i.e. both desires of the heart and spiritual desires. This is possible, since all our desires are created by this very light. Hence, only direct filling with the light can satisfy us.
Spiritual desire, what is it?
The first four categories of desire are clearly understood and felt, but we have no idea about spiritual desire.
Man won't discover what "the spiritual" means as long he keeps satisfying his desires by means of objects of this world. He sees these objects and knows exactly what he is after. But when a spiritual desire awakens in him, he sees no source that can possibly fill it. Man feels helpless and lost: life loses meaning and taste; there is nothing to fill it with. He simply feels bad. Something uncertain "pulls" him. But to where? Man doesn't know where to turn because the source of pleasure is concealed from him. Normally he chooses to forget all about it.
As children we ask ourselves: "What are we living for?", but later hormones ignited by adolescence suppress this question along with the will to discover the meaning and source of life. Our sexual and intellectual aspirations lead us away from the solution to this problem. Then it arises again to disturb us. Those, who can't fill the emptiness and demand an urgent answer to that question, find Kabbalah or rather, are led to it from above: when this happens the time of filling the human soul arrives.
Spiritual space
When the human body dies, the soul passes to a new-born one. From one life to the next the soul gradually accumulates readiness to manifest in man. He lives many lives without feeling his soul - an aspiration to the upper world. Take care not to confuse it with the earthly "aspiration to loftiness", which normally stands for creativity, poetry, music and art.
Man feels the manifestation of the soul as a new desire, longing, as emptiness and has no idea how to fill it. The search begins from this moment; ultimately it leads man to Kabbalah. Thus all people in the world are led to Kabbalah, because it is the only method of filling the soul.
When a man discovers Kabbalah, i.e. finds a Teacher, books and a group, a so-called "preparatory period" (for discovering the upper world) begins. This period can last for a few years (minimum 3 years).
Spiritual space opens up before him. Man finds himself on the periphery of that space with the Creator being in the very center. The spiritual space is a realm of properties similar to a physical field with a maximum manifestation of power in the center and the gradual weakening of it towards the perimeter until this property completely disappears on the border beyond which our world begins.
By changing his properties according to the properties of the Creator, man can move in spiritual space: the difference of a man's properties from those of the Creator makes them remote from each other, while the similarity of their properties leads to their closeness. A complete equivalence causes them to merge.
We, in our initial state, are opposite to the Creator's properties; hence we are totally
outside of this field and cannot feel the Creator.
Having completed the preparation period, man reaches the first, minimal degree of similarity with the Creator and crosses the barrier (Machsom) between our world and the upper one.
He then begins his spiritual advancement; distinctly feeling the Creator he consciously corrects his properties becoming ever closer to Him.
Kabbalah describes the process as an ascent through 620 steps. This gradual rapprochement with the Creator through the similarity of properties consists of consecutive correction, i.e. the substitution of all 620 egoistic properties for altruistic properties. It speaks about the method of correcting desires on each of these steps. As a result, man each time attains the Creator on a new, higher level. Man must correct all his 620 desires step by step, i.e. climb all 620 levels, while existing in his physical body, living in this world.
Upon completing his spiritual ascent, he fully associates himself with the soul and need not return and incarnate into the material world.
Man's death, What dies the body or the soul?
Man does not die, his biological body does. To begin with, we all feel only our body the earthly desires. Then a desire for spirituality awakens in us.
This desire is not of this world, it belongs to the Creator. If man develops it he starts feeling not only the properties of his body, but those of the soul which is a part of the Creator's properties within himself.
If man corrects himself so that the spiritual desires suppress the desires of the body and the body completely associates itself with the soul, he perceives the death of his body as shedding a cover from the soul. The body dies but man feels detached from the body while still living in it.
The body dies, but man feels detached from the body while still living in it. If we live inside the desires of our world (sex, food, wealth, power and knowledge), we receive filling through our body, i.e. through its five senses. We may irritate our brain with electric impulses by sending signals through electrodes attached to it and feel pleasures ostensibly received through the five senses. In this case we directly influence pleasure centers by sending the same signal they receive from the sensory receptors.
This is an example of directly affecting the pleasure centers, which receive all signals.
Soul, screen and delight
We receive spiritual desires directly from above. To fill them we need a
special sense called "a screen" (Masach). As soon as man acquires this sense, he starts feeling pleasure through it. The pleasure is called the Supreme Light. It enters our desire to enjoy it through the screen. This desire to enjoy the Supreme Light is called "soul". The light is not felt as the source of pleasure unless man acquires an additional sense capable of picking it up.
All components: the light (pleasure), the screen (means of reception) and the soul (receiver) are in no way connected to our physical body. Hence, it doesn't matter whether man has a body or not. As soon as man establishes contact with the Supreme Light, he begins to correct himself so as to be filled with it. The gradual likening of one's properties to the light and the consecutive filling with it is called spiritual ascent.
The body is only a means for the spiritual advancement in this exciting process; otherwise it is of no interest because a small pleasure cannot be felt at all in comparison with a great delight: the greater delight suppresses it. Therefore, although a Kabbalist lives in the same world as we do, he is actually already in the upper world.
Since we cannot feel his world, all his sensations are beyond our perception, on the other side of Machsom.
When man associates himself with his soul and not with his physical body, he experiences the death of this body as a change of clothes. The sensations he acquired in this world do not disappear, and the world he lives in stays with him after his body dies. Everyone living on earth can and must complete their way in accordance with the Creator's plan.
What data is Kabbalah based on?
Kabbalah uses only precise, experience-tested data. No theories or assumptions are taken into consideration. Everything Kabbalah is based on has been received from people who personally attained the spiritual sensations through the point in heart, through the soul. They tested, measured and described their sensations. The combined results of their research form the science of Kabbalah.
As in any other science, Kabbalah operates with precise mathematical, physical and graphical data (diagrams and tables). Instead of dealing with feelings, Kabbalists use vectors, forces of gravitation and suppression of desires: their correlations are numerically measured; desires and their filling are accurately defined. This is the means by which Kabbalists describe their sensations of Supernal Providence.
In our world we can measure neither man's inner efforts, nor his subjective sensations, to all the more accurately compare perceptions and impressions of two different people. One can only sympathize with psychologists and psychiatrists, who are totally unable to operate with the parameters of man's soul.
The history and the language of Kabbalah
Everything that we know about the upper world even before we discover it by ourselves was written by people who personally attained it. They described their method, their sensations, conclusions and offered recommendations so that we could follow in their path. Kabbalistic books are the accounts of their journeys in the upper world.
Everyone begins the attainment of the Supreme governing Force by asking the question about the point of his life, sufferings, and the purpose of the universe, destiny and chance. A deep analysis of these questions leads man to the necessity of revelation of the Supreme Force. The first known Kabbalist described his impressions of the divine revelation around 3700 years ago in the book entitled "Sefer Yetzira". He used the language of Kabbalah in his book, which is still studied by Kabbalists today.
The languages of narrative and prophecy are also used for the description of the spiritual domain. It makes no difference to a Kabbalist which language a book about the Creator is written. In whichever language, like a musician who hears music while looking at the notes, a Kabbalist feels what the author describes in a Kabbalistic text.
Material and spiritual senses
We are born with five senses: sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch, through which we receive some information from outside. Our brain processes this information and produces a combined picture of the surrounding world. These sensations are called "this world" or "my world". Precisely speaking, we don't know what exists around us. We just attribute our reaction to some outside influence.
 Material and Spiritual Senses
Our ear is designed so that a membrane separates between our inner part and the outer reality. This membrane may be more or less sensitive, healthy or damaged.
Accordingly, we define a sound as strong, weak, high-pitched, low-pitched or even imperceptible. The quality of the sound I hear depends not on what it is like on the outside; it is determined by the parameters of my sense, i.e. by my inner qualities. What I feel is not the outer fluctuations, but my sensor's reaction to them. In fact, I perceive something inside and call it an outside sound.
The same refers to the rest of our senses.
It turns out that we are an absolutely closed system: each of us feels only his inner reactions to an outside unknown influence. We can never perceive something that happens outside of us objectively. Whatever we feel in our senses is processed by our brain and the information is presented in a certain way. Outside of our senses we have no idea what this information is like. We are locked inside ourselves.
What can the additional consciously acquired sense provide me with? It allows for receiving information not via my natural five senses into my egoistic desires (interpreting everything in terms of personal profit, i.e. being biased), but directly and impartially. This way I can achieve a genuine attainment of the absolute and objective universe.
This is what Kabbalah allows us to do. Like any other science, Kabbalah is characterized by repeatability of experience, registered data etc. Kabbalah is a science and has nothing to do with religion. Religions do not teach Kabbalah, because it reveals to man the true universe, where the Supreme governing Force desires only one thing to make man equal to itself.
Gematria of the soul
If two Kabbalists read one and the same description of the upper world, they will perceive a certain picture. But how will they be able to compare their sensations? Each feels them according to the inner properties of his soul.
If one Kabbalist has a larger screen than the other and his spiritual level is higher, the pictures he can see will definitely be different. If you are in the 5th grade and I am in the 10th, you naturally understand more than I do.
The quality of the soul is a combination of all of its properties. Man in our world has an entire set of properties: greed, jealousy, mercy etc., but everyone has them in a different proportion. By studying Kabbalah one can discover the desires of the soul, describe and formulate its structure.
The Creator created a single desire, the soul called "Adam". 600.000 fixed structures, separate souls can be singled out in it. Each soul (both common and individual) includes 620 inner parts, desires. Their combination determines the soul structure.
Each of these soul structures receives its name according to the principal, distinctive quality. It has a numerical value called Gematria. Gematria of combined properties is expressed by letters, i.e. the Hebrew letters are used instead of numbers. In order to define the souls numerically, they are given names, since originally there were no numbers in Hebrew (they are designated instead by letters).
Then absolute attainment is achieved
As a result becoming corrected, all souls merge into one common soul and start interrelating within a unified system. This common soul construction binds all individual souls together, so that ultimately each of them feels what all the others feel. This is the achievement of absolute attainment. Such a state is called the "Final Correction," after which the soul, receiving the light from above ascends to the Source, the Creator, becoming equal to Him.
All souls are obliged to achieve this state not later than 6000 thousand years from the point of "the creation of the world" when the aspiration to the upper world awakened in man for the first time. The year 2005 coincides with 5765 from "the creation of the world". We have a little more than two hundred years left, but our efforts may considerably shorten that period.
 Worldly to Spiritual Desires
Why is Kabbalah a science about reception of pleasure?
In Kabbalah we understand pleasure as filling in all its manifestations: material, moral, intellectual or physical. Furthermore, here we speak of delight (filling), which is absolute, eternal, perfect and infinite.
Delight is felt only when a very strong desire is present provided there is a crystal-clear desire for something, which is unavailable. The received pleasure instantly extinguishes desire which in turn reduces pleasure. The greatest delight is felt only during the first contact of the desire with the desired, the way the first bit of food feels in a hungry man's mouth. Then hunger subsides, the desire disappears and satiation sets in. The food stops bringing the delight that was felt at the beginning of the meal. Gourmets leave the most delicious dishes for the end of a feast, because greater delight compensates for the lack of desire.
If we start researching the various kinds of pleasure we receive from knowledge, power, riches, sex and food, we'll notice that all of them diminish upon reception of the desired. Oftentimes man works for years to get what he wants, but having received the object, stops enjoying it.
It is the disappearance of the sensation of pleasure forces us to look for new delights. Advertising, fashion etc. supply us with new desires, and we get carried away by the constant pursuit of anticipated pleasure. Once the desired is received, we feel compelled to seek new enjoyment. This process is endless. Hence, man can never really be delighted. He is constantly moving.
Kabbalah teaches man how to receive non-vanishing pleasures: eternal, absolute and perfect, revealed as permanent peace and delight. Hence, this method is called "Hochmat HaKabbalah" (the science of reception). It was given to us by the Creator so that our enormous desires would be immediately satisfied and then new desires would emerge, be fulfilled and so on. The absence of a gap between a desire and its filling would allow us to enjoy never-ending peace and delight.
How can such desire be created? It does not exist in our world. Hence, the soul is opposite to our entire world. It differs from this world by its property of altruism called "a screen" in Kabbalah. The process of acquiring a screen is the subject of Kabbalah studies.
We speak about a strictly practical approach, about mastering a special method. It can be accomplished in the process of studying certain Kabbalistic books. For example, the principal Kabbalistic six-volume composition "The Study of Ten Sefirot" is compiled as a regular academic textbook: in each of its 16 parts, on more than 2000 pages the structure of the upper world is expounded in modern language. The part of the books entitled "The Inner Reflection" gives a more detailed explanation of its functioning. The part called "The Meanings of Words" provides questions referring to the meaning of the words used. Finally the part called "Questions and Answers" deals with descriptions and explanations of spiritual phenomena.
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The Science of Kabbalah by Micheal Laitman Editorial Review -- About the Author: A scientist by profession, Rabbi Laitman arrived in Israel in 1974 at the age of 27. Completely secular at the time, his search for spirituality eventually brought him to study under Rabbi Baruch Ashlag, the son of Rabbi Yehuda Ashlag (Baal HaSulam). He served as the personal assistant to Rabbi Baruch Ashlag from 1979 to 1991, and upon his rabbi's passing, was handed down personal transcripts from one of the greatest Kabbalists of our time. Having studied Kabbalah for over 30 years, Rabbi Laitman presents a scientific approach to spiritual evolvement that is based on the writings of Rabbi Yehuda Ashlag and other great Kabbalists throughout the generations. An eloquent writer and public speaker, his words inspire individuals around the world to accelerate the spirituality of mankind through the study of Kabbalah.
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Kabbalah for Beginners by Michael Laitman - Product Description - The Kabbalist Rabbi Laitman, who was the student and personal assistant to Rabbi Baruch Ashlag from 1979-1991, follows in the footsteps of his rabbi in passing on the wisdom of Kabbalah to the world. This book is based on sources that were passed down by Rabbi Baruch's father, Rabbi Yehuda Ashlag (Baal HaSulam), the author of ''the Sulam,'' the commentaries on The Book of Zohar, who continued the ways of the Ari and Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai and many great Kabbalists throughout the generations before them.
The goal of this book is to assist individuals in confronting the first stages of the spiritual realm. This unique method of study, which encourages sharing this wisdom with others, not only helps overcome the trials and tribulations of everyday life, but initiates a process in which individuals extend themselves beyond the standard limitations of today's world.
About the Author - KABBALIST RAV MICHAEL LAITMAN, a PhD in Philosophy and Kabbalah and an MS in Bio-cybernetics, is the founder and president of Bnei Baruch ‹Kabbalah Education & Research Institute, a nonprofit organization dedicated to enhancing widespread knowledge of Kabbalah. For twelve years he studied closely at the side of his mentor, Kabbalist Baruch Ashlag, the first-born son and successor to Kabbalist Yehuda Ashlag, author of the Sulam commentary on The Zohar. Once he received Rav Ashlag's teachings, he was committed to circulating it to others.
Kabbalah Revealed: The Ordinary Person's Guide to a More Peaceful Life by Rav Michael Laitman PhD - Product Description - Kabbalah Revealed: The Ordinary Person's Guide to a More Peaceful Life is a clearly-written, user-friendly guide to making sense of the surrounding world while achieving inner peace. Each of the six chapters in this book focuses on a different... [aspect?]
Kabbalah, Science and the Meaning of Life: Because Your Life Has Meaning by Rav Michael Laitman PhD - Product Description - Kabbalah, Science & the Meaning of Life traces the milestones of the evolution of science with which we are familiar, such as Newton'ss and Einstein'ss theories but goes further to present the science of Kabbalah as the basis for understanding the hidden parts of reality which scientists are now discovering. While other sciences research the definable world around us, Kabbalah teaches us how the spontaneous changes occurring within us affect our surrounding reality. The wisdom of Kabbalah enables us to monitor those changes and control them, and in so doing change our world for the better.
The Path of Kabbalah by Rav Michael Laitman PhD - Product Description - Kabbalists state that there is no reality at all, but something called His Essence, the Upper Force, and this is what we perceive as our world. As uncanny as it sounds, this notion hides in its wings the very prospect of freedom, for every person, for eve
About the Author - KABBALIST RAV MICHAEL LAITMAN, a PhD in Philosophy and Kabbalah and an MS in Bio-cybernetics, is the founder and president of Bnei Baruch--Kabbalah Education & Research Institute, a nonprofit organization dedicated to enhancing widespread knowledge of Kabbalah. For twelve years he studied closely at the side of his mentor, Kabbalist Baruch Ashlag, the first-born son and successor to Kabbalist Yehuda Ashlag, author of the Sulam commentary on The Zohar. Once he received Rav Ashlag's teachings, he was committed to circulating it to others.
Basic Concepts in Kabbalah by Rav Michael Laitman PhD - Product Description - By reading in this book, one develops internal observations and approaches that did not previously exist within. This book is intended for contemplation of spiritual terms. To the extent that we are integrated with these terms, we begin to unveil the spiritual structure that surrounds us, almost as if a mist had been lifted.
A Guide to the Hidden Wisdom of Kabbalah by Michael Laitman - Product Description - An important goal in the study of Kabbalah is to use one's knowledge to influence one's destiny. Firstly, one has to realize what life is, what its meaning is, why it is given to us, where it begins, and where it ends.
After pondering and meditating on the above questions, one has to relate all this to Kabbalah. Kabbalah states that the Creator created all the worlds simultaneously, including our world, and we human beings have to use Kabbalah in our world, the finite material world.
In order to further advance our understanding of the wisdom of Kabbalah, we need to lift our mind's eye above the horizon of our material world.
Kabbalah clarifies our perception of reality. What we see around us is subjective and exists only in relation to ourselves. Our perception depends on our organs of sensation: if they were different, we would perceive another world around us.
A Guide to the Hidden Wisdom of Kabbalah provides the reader with a solid foundation for understanding the role of Kabbalah in our world. The contents was designed to allow individuals all over the world to begin traversing the initial stages of spiritual ascent toward the apprehension of the upper realms.
The Secret Doctrine of the Kabbalah: Recovering the Key to Hebraic Sacred Science by Leonora Leet - Review - The Secret Doctrine of the Kabbalah is the second book by Dr. Leonora Leet (with two more planned) to result from a project begun in 1978 with the accidental discovery of what she believes to be the ultimate source of the Kabbalistic Tree of Life diagram. Her first text, Renewing the Covenant: A Kabbalistic Guide to Jewish Spirituality, should be perused before attempting to decipher this brilliant but dense treatise. Not for the casual or merely curious reader, Leet's book expounds on such theoretical subjects as the Tetragrammaton, the Covenant of Number, the sacred science of sound and spiritual practice, Kabbalistic geometry, and cosmic genesis. She goes on to synthesize sacred science and Kabbalistic cosmology with quantum physics. If your IQ is at least comparable to your body weight, and your bent is unlocking the doors of the universe through geometry, this excruciatingly well-researched tome may get you in the front gate. --P. Randall Cohan
From Library Journal - Leet, author of Renewing the Covenant, has produced a book that is by turns dazzling and puzzling. No less than an attempt not only to improve upon the traditional summations of Kabbalistic truth and practice but to reconcile them with modern linguistic and cosmological theory, this will delight adepts but may leave beginners behind. Nevertheless, Leet's is an impressive work. For larger collections, especially where Jewish topics are in demand.
Copyright 1999 Reed Business Information, Inc.
Quantum Qabala by Eric Orion - Product Description - Quantum Qabala combines the esoteric knowledge of the mystical Qabalah with the arcane discoveries of quantum physics to take a dramatic step towards humanity's spiritual evolution. This Hermetic practice demonstrates the illusion of reality through quantum theory and the twelve sephiroth of the tree of life, revolutionizing the way you view astrology and the Tarot!
The Power of Kabbalah: Technology for the Soul by Yehuda Berg - Editorial Reviews - Review
At first glance, The Power of Kabbalah seems like an overly simplistic spiritual instruction manual. The language and anecdotes are rabbi-style cozy and the format is exceptionally approachable: one-to-two-page essays. But read a few pages and you're hooked into an experience that immediately promises enlightenment (and eventually delivers it). Although the Kabbalah has its roots in Jewish mysticism, this non-dogmatic manual is applicable to all spiritual seekers. Like Wayne Dyer's bestselling book The Power of Intention, this is actually a book about manifesting the life you want through understanding the laws of spiritual energy and attraction. "To fulfill its giving nature, the infinite force of Energy created a receiver--in Kabbalah it's called a Vessel," author Yehuda Berg explains. You guessed it, all of us earth souls represent the Vessel, and our spiritual task is to stop resisting the giving nature of Energy and let our Vessels fill up and runneth over.... This is an obvious choice for students of Jewish mysticism, but it's an equally appropriate book for anyone looking for ancient traditions to support contemporary spiritual discussions about the laws of attraction. --Gail Hudson
Product Description - Is it possible to turn that rush that comes from closing a business deal or having a brief, passionate affair into an enduring sense of wholeness and peace? Kabbalah, according to its increasingly large group of practitioners, is the path from that fleeting feeling of pleasure that most people settle for to the lasting fulfillment that is their birthright as human beings. In The Power of Kabbalah, renowned teacher Yehuda Berg shows how to view and navigate through life by tapping Kabbalistic truths. He explains the key process of transforming from a reactive to a proactive being that will in turn trigger increased creative energy, greater personal power, and a stronger and more satisfying sense of life. These teachings include embracing rather than avoiding problems and obstacles as true opportunities for spiritual development; making miracles through positive thinking; and accepting responsibility for what happens in one's life.
The Essential Kabbalah: The Heart of Jewish Mysticism by Daniel C. Matt - Product Description - The author of Zohar: The Book of Enlightenment has written an essential guide to Jewish mysticism--"a striking anthology, an original meditation, and a mystic philosophy of life" (David Wolpe, author of The Healer of Shattered Hearts: A Jewish View of God).
Language Notes - Text: English (translation) Original Language: Hebrew --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.
From the Publisher - A compact presentation of all the primary texts of Kabbalah, elegantly rendered with poetic nuances, exotic imagery, and bold innovation--from one of the foremost authorities on Jewish mysticism. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.
About the Author - Daniel C. Matt has written many books and articles on Jewish spirituality, including Zohar:The Book of Enlightenment and God and the Big Bang. He is a professor of Jewish mysticism at the Center for Jewish Studies, Graduate Theological Union, Berkeley, CA.
From AudioFile - Kabbalah is the deeply spiritual study of the soul and internal mysteries of Jewish philosophy clothed in allegory and requiring extensive knowledge of the Torah and Talmud. Daniel C. Matt provides a clear overview of the tenets and history of Kabbalah, along with illuminating excerpts from the original text. Edward Asner reads this philosophical work with a deep, slow, sonorous tone, which relaxes the listener. As the history is left behind, Asner's steady narration opens the mind and allows the finer points to sink in while contemplating the overall picture told by the stories. When the audiobook ends, the listener will want to hear it again to try to better understand these mysteries, which seem a little clearer after each period of listening. M.B.K. (c)AudioFile, Portland, Maine --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.
Kabbalah: A Love Story by Lawrence Rabbi Kushner - Editorial Reviews - From Booklist - Although Kabbalah has become one of today's pop-cultural buzzwords (yo, Madonna!), neither this mystical branch of Judaism nor its masterwork, the Zohar, a mystical commentary on the Torah, are well understood. In his first novel, Kushner bypasses the instructive tone used in his nonfiction and plunges into the heart of Kabbalah, opening up the topic so that stories about time, history, and love come swirling out. On one level, this is the story of Rabbi Kalman Stern, a failure, certainly, in love; deserted by his wife, he has not opened himself to a woman in 20 years. The most important thing in his life is a 1697 printing of the Zohar. A letter hidden inside the book, which offers startling insights into creation, heightens his search for meaning both in the outside world and in his own life, where an astronomer, Isabel Benveniste, is pecking at his shell. But Stern's is not the only story unfolding in this multileveled novel. A Kabbalastic scholar in thirteenth-century Spain meets an inspirational woman of intellect and beauty. A young man on a train to a concentration camp learns from an authority on the Zohar. Everything circles back on itself, paralleling the way the Zohar suggests the world is structured. As much meditation as mindbender, this is a book that one experiences rather than merely reads. Not everything works--the ending is predictable, bordering on hackneyed. But Lawrence poses many challenging questions, and the answers will be as individual as the readers. --Ilene Cooper
Copyright © American Library Association. All rights reserved --This text refers to the Hardcover edition.
Review - "This one is a gem." --David Mamet, playwright
"Lawrence Kushner . . . revolutionizes our understanding of God, and shows how we discover our true nature by opening ourselves to love." --Daniel C. Matt, author of The Essential Kabbalah
"Part damn-good storytelling, part mind-bending magic, Kabbalah isn't really a novel; it's an experience of Jewish mysticism--seductive, cerebral, and humorous, told in a wholly unique and beautiful voice." --Debbie Danielpour Chapel
"Like all creative spiritual thinkers, Rabbi Kushner . . . blends humor, suspense, and the sublime in a contemporary amalgam of magical realism and the traditional religious fable." ‹Bernard Horn, author of Facing the Fires: Conversations with A.B. Yehoshua --This text refers to the Kindle Edition edition.
Kabbalah For Dummies (For Dummies (Religion & Spirituality)) by Arthur Kurzweil - Product Description - Kabbalah For Dummies presents a balanced perspective of Kabbalah as an "umbrella" for a complex assemblage of mystical Jewish teachings and codification techniques. Kabbalah For Dummies also shows how Kabbalah simultaneously presents an approach to the study of text, the performance of ritual and the experience of worship, as well as how the reader can apply its teaching to everyday life.
From the Back Cover - Study, pray, and celebrate the Kabbalah way
Understand the spiritual and ethical teachings of the practice
Curious about Kabbalah? This friendly, plain-English guide clears up the common misconceptions about this mystical tradition, showing you how to incorporate its wisdom into your daily life. You'll explore the history of Kabbalah and its major texts, understand the mystical tree of life, examine Kabbalah controversies and conflicts, and see how Kabbalists grow closer to God.
Discover how to
* How to live life like a Kabbalist
* The big "secret" of Kabbalah
* What Kabbalah is -- and isn't
* The importance of karma and reincarnation
* The contributions of great Kabbalists
The Way: Using the Wisdom of Kabbalah for Spiritual Transformation and Fulfillment by Michael Berg - Editorial Reviews - From Publishers Weekly - Berg, the editor-in-chief of Kabbalah magazine, offers a readable introduction into what he claims is the universal mystical tradition. The Kabbalah is replete with modern analogies (even Vince Lombardi!) and is written in an intelligent style expressly designed to appeal to the broadest possible audience. However, Berg overreaches with the claim that "Kabbalah is the birthright of all humanity. It does not belong to any religion or ethnic group." Unless God desires everyone to be Jewish (which Judaism has always rejected), it is disingenuous to say that "The Way" is "for literally everyone in the world" and then proceed to refer exclusively to Jewish texts, prayers, heroes and holidays and the mysterious power of Hebrew and Hebrew alone. Berg's "way" has much in common with other mystical traditions, particularly reincarnation and meditation. "Love thy neighbor" may be "the secret of living in accordance with Kabbalah," but it is hardly a monopoly. Ironically, the path outlined here is reminiscent of St. Paul's ancient Christian missions to the pagans. St. Paul eliminated Jewish ritual observance and made the religion palatable to the uninitiated winning countless converts to a new tradition, but alienating observant Jews. Characterizing the Sabbath as "one day just to sit back and cruise, if that's what we really want to do" may win the hearts of Santana and Madonna, but it will likely leave serious Jewish mystics cringing. Copyright 2001 Cahners Business Information, Inc. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.
Review - "This book will inspire your soul. Michael Berg has accomplished the momumental task of translating the eternal truths of life into spiritual common sense. Without a doubt, The Way will become one of the sacred texts of your own life." --Caroline Myss, Ph.D., New York Times bestselling author of Anatomy of the Spirit
"The Way reveals the beauty and the practicality of Kabbalah -- buy this book and read it, now." --Sandra Bernhard
"The simple and practical wisdom I have gained by reading this book and studying Kabbalah is immeasurable." --Madonna
"Michael Berg brilliantly shares Kabbalah's profound spiritual laws and ancient wisdom in a simple way that can help us improve the quality of our lives -- in many ways." --Roseanne --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.
The Kabbalah Book of Sex: And Other Mysteries of the Universe by Yehuda Berg - Product Description - Most sex manuals focus on only one aspect: the physical mechanics of the act itself. According to Kabbalah, the key to finding real sexual pleasure lies in self-awareness, not technique. This groundbreaking book helps readers overcome shame and negative self-image and access higher levels of connection -- to themselves, their partners, and to spirit. Through the ancient wisdom of Kabbalah, sex becomes the truly sacred connection it was always meant to be -- thrilling, satisfying, and profound.
Keys to the Kingdom: Jesus & the Mystic Kabbalah by Migene González-Wippler - Editorial Reviews - From Publishers Weekly - As a cultural anthropologist with a diverse work history--associations ranging from the American Institute of Physics, the American Museum of Natural History and the UN--González-Wippler offers a well-rounded look at the Kabbalah. Not for the casual reader, the book combines textual nuance with forensic and physical science, and cultural tradition and practice, while her impressive bibliography includes religious, philosophical and scientific texts. A careful examination of Jesus and his cultural environment leads to a reasoned explanation of the Messianic tradition, followed by a comprehensive depiction of the Tree of Life. Readers need not be astrophysicists to understand her amazingly accessible correlation between religion and science--which, she asserts, "has proven the existence of God." An excruciatingly detailed history of crucifixion leads ultimately to an interesting comparison of various interpretations of the Ten Commandments. Finally, suggestions on meditation and ritual allow for a cursory incorporation of Kabbalistic themes into everyday worship and practice. González-Wippler takes a leap in suggesting that "if Jesus was indeed the Messiah, then Christianity holds the keys to the true meaning of the Kabbalah and the purpose of creation. This does not mean that the Kabbalah is not Jewish. What it means is that Christians are Jews." Some readers may not want to swallow all she has to say, but her book is certainly worth a taste. Copyright © Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Product Description - 2005 Latino Literary Awards First place winner in the cathegory of Best Religious Book
Are Jesus' teachings based on Kabbalism? How do the Ten Commandments tie into the Tree of Life? Is the Lord's Prayer a Kabbalist invocation? Migene González-Wippler reveals secrets of the Bible and the life of Jesus in her intriguing introduction to the Christian Kabbalah.
Emphasizing Christian aspects, Keys to the Kingdom presents an easy-to-read overview of the Kabbalah, describing its major principles and historical elements. Drawing on the gospels and historical records, González-Wippler examines Jesus as a man and a teacher, providing convincing evidence-based on historical and traditional Jewish law-that Jesus was a master Kabbalist . . . as well as the Messiah.
Kabbalah, Magic & the Great Work of Self Transformation: A Complete Course by Lyam Thomas Christopher - Product Description - Advancing to higher levels of ritual magic with purpose and power requires an exaltation of consciousness-a spiritual transformation that can serve as an antitode to the seeming banality of modern life.
Based on Kabbalistic techniques, the teachings of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, and an Hermetic tradition spanning nearly two thousand years, this innovative new work introduces the history of the Golden Dawn and its mythology, the Tree of Life, Deities, demons, rules for practicing magic, and components of effective ritual.
A comprehensive course of self-initiation using Israel Regardie's seminal Golden Dawn as a key reference point, Kabbalah, Magic and the Great Work of Self-Transformation guides you through the levels of the Golden Dawn system of ritual magic. Each grade in this system corresponds with a sphere in the Kabbalistic Tree of Life and includes daily rituals, required reading, written assignments, projects, and additional exercises.
Knowledgeable and true to tradition, author Lyam Thomas Christopher presents a well-grounded and modern step-by-step program toward spiritual attainment, providing a lucid gateway toward a more awakened state.
Finalist for the Coalition of Visionary Resources Award for Best Magick/Shamanism Book
About the Author - Lyam Thomas Christopher (Florida) has been a student of Hermeticism and the Golden Dawn for over fifteen years. After receiving his B.A. in Liberal Studies he went on to receive his Adeptus Minor from Ra Horkhty Temple. A former bookseller, the author is currently a learning specialist at a regional community college. This is his first book.
The Essential Zohar: The Source of Kabbalistic Wisdom by Rav P.S. Berg - Editorial Reviews - Review - Kabbalah, often defined as a Jewish mystical tradition, actually encompasses "the spiritual heritage of all mankind," according to Rav P.S. Berg in The Essential Zohar. Berg, the dean of the Kabbalah Centre (whose members include celebrities such as Madonna and Mick Jagger), has concentrated a core of teachings from the central kabbalistic text, the Zohar, in a single volume that makes kabbalistic wisdom accessible to readers of all religious traditions. The Zohar, which dates back to the second century B.C.E., offers tools for doing the work of kabbalah: "transforming chaos and fragmentation into unity and completion." The Zohar's biblical commentaries and rabbinical stories of apparently "surprise happenings, sudden insights, and full-blown epiphanies" are intended to help readers open themselves to similar revelations. And Berg explains that all of the Zohar's rarified spiritual stories have potential for practical application, to help readers "replace doubt with certainty and darkness with Light." --Michael Joseph Gross --This text refers to the Hardcover edition.
From Publishers Weekly - Berg, the dean and director of the Kabbalah Centre, writes accessibly about the Zohar, a free-flowing mystical commentary on the Bible, as a way people can tap into cosmic energies that are available for personal and universal salvation. For this to happen, however, the reader must believe that the Bible is a literal history of real personalities and, on the other hand, accept claims that Cham castrated his father, Noah, or that the "biblical golden calf could walk, talk, dance, and even change its shape" midrashic assertions that are not in the Bible. Berg's introduction to the Zohar is often insightful, noting, for example, that awe can be the beginning of wisdom in a world distracted by the "golden calves" of computers and cars. But there are also risks. Although "analyzing" a book on the Zohar is a contradiction in terms, this commentary can be disorganized and illogical. Berg admits that people may be uncomfortable with the notion that we can use "whatever means... necessary to create the spiritual circuitry of our universe," especially if that explains such misdeeds as King David murdering Uriah so he could take Batsheva as his wife. But comforting the reader is not the goal here; Berg succeeds in providing readable access to an esoteric Jewish mystical text. Whether he has also established that "only through Kabbalah will we forever eliminate war, destruction and man's inhumanity to his fellow man" is not so clear. Copyright 2002 Cahners Business Information, Inc. --This text refers to the Hardcover edition.
Kabbalah of Yeshua by Zusha Kalet - Product Description - Revealing Keys of the Kingdom. Kabbalah of Yeshua is calling us to our Kabbalistic Heritage. This sounding of the shofar will cause a revelation to the Messianic Jewish Community of the Kabbalistic teachings of Yeshua; a restoration of the Christian Church to their Jewish roots and heritage; reclamation by the Jewish community of Yeshua the Messiah. This book takes the road leading to the Father's house. We will all eat of the fatted calf (Historic Judaism) versus the golden calf (Classical Christianity) that has been worshipped for 2,000 years and has not brought us to maturity yet! We must receive the "Torah" that brings life versus the "Torah" that brings death.
The Spiritual Rules of Engagement: How Kabbalah Can Help Your Soul Mate Find You by Yehuda Berg - Editorial Review - "I credit the success of my marriage to the teachings of Yehuda Berg. My wife helped a little too...And I was there. The wisdom shared in this book has led to a greater happiness than I ever thought possible. I hope you can find the same happiness with this beautiful soulution!" --Ashton Kutcher
Product Description - More than a decade after the runaway bestseller The Rules advised women on how to land "Mr. Right," it's time for a new set of rules that takes a more spiritual approach. These rules are based on the timeless wisdom of Kabbalah and the very nature of the Universe itself. The Spiritual Rules of Engagement describes how Kabbalah views relationships and what makes them work (or not work); and reveals that it is the woman who holds the power to determine the outcome. The book explains the spiritual reasons behind the way in which men and women think and act differently. Although not a book of dating tips, its rules do work. They have to work: They are the Laws of the Universe. You'll learn the true meaning of the term "soul mate;" and why it is that your soul mate has to find you, not the other way around. Written by a kabbalistic teacher who regularly provides counsel to hundreds of individuals and couples, and who is happily married himself, the book will resonate with people of all backgrounds. These are more than just rules of engagement; they're rules for creating a happier, more fulfilling life.
The 72 Names of God: The Course: Technology for the Soul by Yehuda Berg - Editorial Reviews - Review - The 72 names of God were originally decoded from letters found in a biblical passage describing Moses' miraculous parting of the Red Sea. Rabbi Yehuda Berg translates these 72 names into familiar spiritual concepts, and shows readers how to these names can be useful creeds on the journey toward enlightenment. He explains that "the mystical power of the Hebrew letters that parted those waters can likewise part whatever Red Sea now confronts you in your own life." The letters may be ancient, but Berg's names read like modern catchphrases: "Angelic Influences," "Soul Mate," "Dumping Depression," and "Sexual Energy." Each one gets its own elegantly designed chapter and high impact graphic. Like most Kabbalah teachers, Berg emphasizes the importance of taming ego. Yet Berg also discusses how to keep the ego in check while still attaining sexual satisfaction and prosperity‹tricky, but possible. With its stylized presentation and contemporary language, this makes a unique and inviting book on the Kabbalah. --Gail Hudson
From Publishers Weekly - This self-help book from Rabbi Berg (The Power of Kabbalah) draws upon the "72 names" of God mentioned in the Kabbalah to empower individuals to embrace life more fully. Berg says that when Moses experienced his do-or-die moment on the shores of the Red Sea, God spoke to the Israelites in three verses as recorded in the Book of Exodus-each verse consisting of 72 Hebrew letters. Encoded in those letters was the "technology" the Israelites needed to escape the situation on their own, without further divine assistance. Berg writes that contemporary seekers can also tap into this power and energy by learning about, and calling upon, the 72 names of God. The book can be shallow, particularly in its proof-texting of both Kabbalah and the findings of modern scientists to demonstrate "uncanny congruencies between astrophysics and Kabbalah concerning Creation," or its rapid-fire determination to whiz through each name in a single page. Although the device of using the 72 names is a refreshing addition to self-help literature, the end result is the same: the book offers individuals a relatively quick and painless way to achieve joy, financial prosperity, sexual fulfillment and spiritual enlightenment. The real star here is not the writing but the layout; rarely has a Kabbalah book been so easy on the eyes. Trendy designs, chic photographs and illustrations, and even a little comic-book-style graphic art enhance the book and maintain reader interest.
Copyright 2003 Reed Business Information, Inc.
Kabbalah for the Student by Rav Yehuda Ashlag - Product Description - The great Kabbalists, Rav Yehuda Ashlag, and his son and successor, Rav Baruch Ashlag, offer modern readers valid answers to life's most vital question: What is the meaning of my life? Their interpretations of The Book of Zohar and The Tree of Life explain how we can benefit by using the ancient wisdom of Kabbalah on a day-to-day basis. Additionally, clear illustrations accurately depict the evolution of the Upper Worlds as Kabbalists experience them.
The Kabbalah Deck by Edward Hoffman (Cards) - Product Description - The mystic tradition of the Kabbalah is no longer exclusively for people of the Jewish faith. Embraced by dreamers, seekers, and believers alike, this ancient source of wisdom and spiritual guidance offers a practical method for attaining tranquillity and fulfillment in everyday life. The unique, portable format provides an engaging, interactive way to explore Jewish mysticism. With 35 cards for meditation and divination and a 160-page book exploring the tenets of this ancient practice, The Kabbalah Deck offers the spiritual key to unlocking endless joy and inner peace with feet still firmly planted in this world.
About the Author - Edward Hoffman is the author of The Hebrew Alphabet and The Hebrew Alphabet Stamp Kit. A clinical psychologist and author of eleven books in the fields of Jewish mysticism, spirituality, and psychology, he lives in New York.
Kabbalah and the Power of Dreaming: Awakening the Visionary Life by Catherine Shainberg - Product Description - A dynamic exposition of the powerful, ancient Sephardic tradition of dreaming passed down from the renowned 13th-century kabbalist Isaac the Blind
* Includes exercises and practices to access the dream state at will in order to engage with life in a state of enhanced awareness
* Written by the close student of revered kabbalist Colette Aboulker-Muscat
In Kabbalah and the Power of Dreaming Catherine Shainberg unveils the esoteric practices that allow us to unlock the dreaming mind's transformative and intuitive powers. These are the practices used by ancient prophets, seers, and sages to control dreams and visions. Shainberg draws upon the ancient Sephardic Kabbalah tradition, as well as illustrative
stories and myths from around the Mediterranean, to teach readers how to harness the intuitive power of their dreaming. While the Hebrew Bible and our Western esoteric tradition give us ample evidence of dream teachings, rarely has the path to becoming a conscious dreamer been articulated. Shainberg shows that dreaming is not something that merely takes place while sleeping--we are dreaming at every moment. By teaching the conscious mind to be awake in our sleeping dreams and the dreaming mind to be manifest in daytime awareness, we are able to achieve revolutionary consciousness. Her inner-vision exercises initiate creative and transformative images that generate the pathways to self-realization.
From the Back Cover - KABBALAH / SELF-HELP
"A brilliantly articulated exploration of the elusive mystery of dreams and imagination and how they dance both sides of the veil between fantasy and reality. This is a book that delivers everything its title promises." --Rabbi Gershon Winkler, author of Kabbalah 365: Daily Fruit from the Tree of Life
"Catherine Shainberg is a profound spiritual teacher who reminds us that dreaming is not only about what we do when we sleep but about waking up to a deeper life by remembering and navigating from our sacred purpose."
Robert Moss, author of Dreamways of the Iroquois: Honoring the Secret Wishes of the Soul
"Shainberg guides us through the possibilities of inner growth through dreamwork, offering exercises that are intriguing and open the mind and heart. She is on a path of great beauty." --Rodger Kamenetz, author of The Jew in the Lotus
"Not since the time of Joseph and his prophetic dreams has such a well-written storytelling guidebook been offered." --Fred Alan Wolf, Ph.D., author of Mind Into Matter
In Kabbalah and the Power of Dreaming Catherine Shainberg unveils the esoteric practices that allow us to unlock the dreaming mind's transformative and intuitive powers. These are the practices used by ancient prophets, seers, and sages to control dreams and visions. Shainberg draws upon the ancient Sephardic Kabbalah tradition of dreaming passed down from the renowned thirteenth-century kabbalist Isaac the Blind, as well as illustrative stories and myths from around the Mediterranean, to teach readers how to harness the intuitive power of their dreaming. While the Hebrew Bible and our Western esoteric tradition give us ample evidence of dream teachings, rarely has the path to becoming a conscious dreamer been articulated. Shainberg shows that dreaming is not something that merely takes place while sleeping--we are dreaming at every moment. By teaching the conscious mind to be awake in our sleeping dreams and the dreaming mind to be manifest in daytime awareness, we are able to achieve revolutionary consciousness. Her inner-vision exercises initiate creative and transformative images that generate the pathways to self-realization.
CATHERINE SHAINBERG, Ph.D., is a psychologist, healer, and teacher with a private practice in New York City. She spent ten years studying the Kabbalah of Light in Jerusalem with revered kabbalist Colette Aboulker-Muscat and an additional twenty years in continuing collaboration with her. In 1982 Catherine Shainberg founded the School of Images, dedicated to teaching the revelatory dream and kavanah (intent) techniques of this ancient Sephardic Kabbalah tradition. She conducts imagery and dreaming workshops internationally.
On the Kabbalah and its Symbolism (Mysticism & Kabbalah) by Gershom Scholem - Product Description - Gershom Scholem guides the reader though the central themes in the intricate history of the Kabbalah, clarifying the relations between mysticism and established religious authority, the mystics interpretation of the Torah and their attempts to discover the hidden meaning underlying Scripture, the tension between the philosophical and the mystical concepts of God, and the symbolism employed in mystical religion.
"Along with Scholem's Major Trends in Jewish Mysticism, this is the standard work in its field." --Choice
"Comprises some of Scholem's most broadly conceived intellectual efforts, dealing with such universal issues as creativity and tradition, Scripture and its interpretation, religion and myth, and the nature of religious authority." --Arthur Green, Brandeis University
"Makes the intricate and fascinating world of kabbalistic symbol and myth accessible to a wider audience, rendering it in terms that are of interest to contemporary readers." --Elliot R. Wolfson,New York University
From the Inside Flap --In On the Kabbalah and Its Symbolism, Gershom Scholem guides the reader through the central themes in the intricate history of the Kabbalah, clarifying the relations between mysticism and established religious authority, the mystics' interpretation of the Torah and their attempts to discover the hidden meaning underlying Scripture, the tension between the philosophical and the mystical concepts of God, and the symbolism employed in mystical religion.
About the Author - Gershom Scholem was a professor of Jewish mysticism at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem until his death in 1982. Among his most important works are Major Trends in Jewish Mysticism, The Messianic Idea in Judaism, and On the Kabbalah and Its Symbolism.
The Zohar 4: Pritzker Edition, Volume Four (Zohar: The Pritzker Editions) by Daniel Matt - Product Description - Sefer ha-Zohar (The Book of Radiance) has amazed and overwhelmed readers ever since it emerged mysteriously in medieval Spain toward the end of the thirteenth century. Written in a unique, lyrical Aramaic, this masterpiece of Kabbalah exceeds the dimensions of a normal book; it is virtually a body of literature, comprising over twenty discrete sections. The bulk of the Zohar consists of a running commentary on the Torah, from Genesis through Deuteronomy.
This fourth volume of The Zohar: Pritzker Edition covers the first half of Exodus. Here we find mystical explorations of Pharaoh's enslavement of the Israelites, the birth of Moses, the deliverance from Egypt, the crossing of the Red Sea, and the Revelation at Mount Sinai. Throughout, the Zohar probes the biblical text and seeks deeper meaning--for example, the nature of evil and its relation to the divine realm, the romance of Moses and Shekhinah, and the inner meaning of the Ten Commandments. In the context of the miraculous splitting of the Red Sea, Rabbi Shim'on reveals the mysterious Name of 72, a complex divine name consisting of 216 letters (72 triads), formed out of three verses in Exodus 14.
These mystical interpretations are interwoven with tales of the Companions‹rabbis wandering through the hills of Galilee, sharing their insights, coming upon wisdom in the most astonishing ways from a colorful cast of characters they meet on the road.
Reviews - "A monumental contribution to the history of Jewish thought."
--Koret Jewish Book Award, The Zohar: Pritzker Edition, Volumes I and II
"Daniel C. Matt is giving us what I hardly thought possible: a superbly fashioned translation and commentary that opens up the Zohar to the English-speaking world The lucidity and overwhelming relevance of Matt's Zohar will provide both common and uncommon readers with access to a work capable of changing the consciousness of those who enter it." --Harold Bloom, Max Sterling Professor of Humanities, Yale University
"Daniel Matt's work is superior to any other available translation of the Zohar because of its superb poetic language, the exegetical contribution of its copious notes, and its superior underlying Aramaic text, which was specially prepared by Dr. Matt from numerous original Zohar manuscripts and serves as the basis for his translation. Both the general English reader and scholars in the field of religious studies will benefit tremendously from this new series of volumes." --Moshe Idel, Max Cooper Professor of Jewish Thought, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
True Prosperity: How to Have Everything by Yehuda Berg - Product Description - Everyone wants to be financially successful, but great financial success often brings negative side effects in other areas. In this exciting new paperback edition of his popular book, Yehuda Berg shows why the true purpose of our lives is complete happiness and total fulfillment. Drawing on the lessons of years of study and teaching, True Prosperity shows how the teachings of Kabbalah, the world's oldest body of spiritual wisdom, can be used every day and every moment -- not only to achieve success in one aspect of life, but to avoid the setbacks in other areas that can render any accomplishment empty and meaningless. Readers will gain powerful, practical tools for achieving unlimited abundance in money and finance, health and fitness, family and relationships, and lifelong spiritual growth. "Success without side effects" is the ultimate destination of every human being, and True Prosperity is the roadmap for getting there.
Meditation and Kabbalah by Aryeh Kaplan - Product Description - Meditative methods of Kabbalah. A lucid presentation of the meditative methods, mantras, mandalas and other devices used, as well as a penetrating interpretation of their significance in the light of contemporary meditative research.
Sefer Yetzirah: The Book of Creation by Aryeh Kaplan - Product Description - Rabbi Aryeh Kaplan has translated Sefer Yetzirah, the oldest and most mysterious of all kabbalistic texts, and now brings its theoretical, meditative, and magical implications to light. He expounds on the dynamics of the spiritual domain, the worlds of the Sefirot, souls, and angels. When properly understood, Sefer Yetzirah becomes the instruction manual for a very special type of meditation meant to strengthen concentration and to aid the development of telekinetic and telepathic powers. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.
The Power of Kabbalah: This Book Contains the Secrets of the Universe and the Meaning of Our Lives by Yehuda Berg - Editorial Reviews - Review - At first glance, The Power of Kabbalah seems like an overly simplistic spiritual instruction manual. The language and anecdotes are rabbi-style cozy and the format is exceptionally approachable: one-to-two-page essays. But read a few pages and you're hooked into an experience that immediately promises enlightenment (and eventually delivers it). Although the Kabbalah has its roots in Jewish mysticism, this non-dogmatic manual is applicable to all spiritual seekers. Like Wayne Dyer's bestselling book The Power of Intention, this is actually a book about manifesting the life you want through understanding the laws of spiritual energy and attraction. "To fulfill its giving nature, the infinite force of Energy created a receiver--in Kabbalah it's called a Vessel," author Yehuda Berg explains. You guessed it, all of us earth souls represent the Vessel, and our spiritual task is to stop resisting the giving nature of Energy and let our Vessels fill up and runneth over.. This is an obvious choice for students of Jewish mysticism, but it's an equally appropriate book for anyone looking for ancient traditions to support contemporary spiritual discussions about the laws of attraction. --Gail Hudson --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.
Review - 'This book should come with a warning: Danger of enlightenment.' -- Guy Ritchie 'The Power of Kabbalah shows you how to reveal the beauty of your spirit and embark on a journey of self-discovery and transformation.' -- Deepak Chopra 'In a world jam-packed with confusion, chaos and the superficial, The Power of Kabbalah helps you throw on the brakes before you hit the wall. Love it and live it.' -- Sandra Bernhard 'This book provides a simple yet powerful and profound message for both novices and seasoned seekers alike.' -- John Gray, author of Men Are From Mars, Women Are
Kabbalistic Astrology: And the Meaning of Our Lives by Rav P. S. Berg - Product Description - Ancient Kabbalistic mysticism and the search for meaning by looking to the stars are related in ways that may surprise readers. Kabbalah, in fact, offers arguably the oldest and wisest application of astronomy and astrology known to humankind. Kabbalistic Astrology is a tool for understanding one's individual nature at its deepest level and putting that knowledge to immediate use in the real world. A natural addition to Berg's many writings on spirituality, the book explains why destiny is not the same as predestination and shows that we have many possible futures and can become masters of our fate. Written in Berg's trademark clear, intelligible style, the book teaches how to discover challenges faced in previous incarnations and how to overcome them, as well as the secrets to finding the love, success, and spiritual fulfillment.
Alchemy and Kabbalah by Gershom Scholem - Editorial Reviews - "Skillfully translated from the original German ..., Alchemy and Kabbalah is a classic text on alchemy by a leading scholar of Jewish mysticism, now available in English for the first time ... A serious-minded, in-depth metaphysical scrutiny, especially recommended for college-level students of Judaic theology." --Midwest Book Review
Product Description - Newly revised second printing. Translated by KLAUS OTTMANN. A groundbreaking text on alchemy by the leading scholar of Jewish mysticism is presented here for the first time in English translation. Scholem looks critically at the connections between alchemy, the Jewish Kabbalah; its christianized varieties, such as the gold- and rosicrucian mysticisms, and the myth-based psychology of C.G. Jung, and uncovers forgotten alchemical roots embedded in the Kabbalah.
The Everything Kabbalah Book: Explore This Mystical Tradition--From Ancient Rituals to Modern Day Practices (Everything: Philosophy and Spirituality) by Mark Elber - Product Description - Once the province of rabbinical scholars, the Kabbalah now attracts spiritually-minded people from all traditions and backgrounds. What is it about this ancient mystical practice that attracts the likes of Madonna and David Beckham? With The Everything Kabbalah Book, you, too, can explore its mysteries-and learn how they relate to your life in the world today.
Written by leading Kabbalahist Mark Elber, this comprehensive handbook reveals the secrets of the ancient Jewish practice that has kept people captivated for ages, including:
* The origins of Kabbalah and early Jewish mysticism
* Kabbalah theories of creation and the human role in the cosmos
* Lurianic Kabbalah
* Kabbalah and its relationship with the Torah
* Why the philosophy of Kabbalah appeals to such celebrity followers as Britney Spears and Demi Moore
Whether you're considering the serious study of Kabbalah for yourself, or are just curious about the enduring allure of this age-old tradition, The Everything Kabbalah Book is exactly what you are looking for!
About the Author - Mark Elber (Huntington, NY) studied Kabbalah at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem and the University of Pennsylvania. He is a graduate of the first class to certify teachers of Jewish Meditation at Chochmat HaLev in California. He teaches classes on Kabbalah, Jewish meditation, and Hebrew topics.
Zohar: Annotated & Explained (Skylight Illuminations) by Daniel Chanan Matt - Editorial Reviews - From Publishers Weekly
SkyLight Paths continues its Illuminations series with this edition of the Zohar, which series editor Andrew Harvey explains in his foreword is "the cornerstone of Kabbalah." This central text of Jewish mysticism is notoriously recondite and lends itself to multiple interpretations, making its study the life's work of many a Jewish scholar. More recently, individuals of other religious traditions (Exhibit A being Madonna) have begun to dabble in the Zohar, and this edition is particularly geared to them. It is based on short selections rather than the full text, and it offers wonderful facing-page explanations of key concepts and terms, so readers will not have to dig through endnotes looking for information. Matt, a former professor of Jewish mysticism at Berkeley and author of The Essential Kabbalah, doesn't "dumb down" the more abstruse passages of the Zohar, and he provides a very effective introduction that outlines its importance for the reader.
Copyright 2002 Reed Business Information, Inc.
From Booklist - There are many fine books that explain the Zohar, the mostimportant text of the mystical Jewish movement, kabbalah. This one hasseveral advantages, however, over the others. First, it has awonderful foreword by Harvey, editor of the SkyLight Illuminationsseries, of which the book is a member. In it Harvey evocativelyintroduces a kabbalist named Ezekiel, who teaches Harvey about thepossibilities and power of the mystic tradition, generally andparticularly. Interested readers will be as exhilarated as Harvey isby Ezekiel's provocative statements. Next, the solid preface explainsthe Zohar's origins, which aren't lost in the mists of time asmany believe, and basic concepts. The text proper is the Zohar with commentary by translator Matt that explains references to theBible and Midrash and draws on the writings of Jewish philosophers forfurther illumination. A fine starting place for most readersinterested in Jewish mysticism. --Ilene Cooper - Copyright © American Library Association. All rights reserved
Mystical Qabalah by Dion Fortune - Product Description - Dion Fortune's classic, The Mystical Qabalah, explores all aspects of the Qabalah, including the esoteric sciences of astrology and tarot, which form the basis of the Western Mystery Traditions. It provides a key to the practical working of this mystical system for both novice and initiate alike. --This text refers to the Paperback edition.
The Kabbalah Tree: A Journey of Balance & Growth by Rachel Pollack - Editorial Reviews - From Publishers Weekly -
Tied closely to an intricate painting by Hermann Haindl, this comprehensive look at the tradition of the Tree of Life is part art extrapolation, part multi-denominational history. The "journey of balance and growth" refers as much to the painting itself and the growth of the artist as to the spread of the mythology of the Tree in a multitude of cultures. After barely surviving a WWII prison camp, young Haindl returned to Germany and became a stage designer and theatre director. His artistic prowess gained enough recognition that Golda Meir commissioned him to paint an enormous mural commemorating the 25th anniversary of Israel. Soon after, he embarked on a quest to merge spirituality and art, the result of which led to a fascination with both the Tarot and the Kabbalah. Pollack and Haindl met when she was asked to write a text to accompany his now-famed Tarot deck. This, their second collaboration, makes for a detailed yet interesting read. Well organized and copiously referenced, Pollack does a fine job of combining the Jewish, Western and Christian traditions associated with the Kabbalah Tree of Life. Particularly well done are the chapters describing in detail the 10 sephiroth, or "divine emanations." Along with a handful of line drawings, the included poster of Haindl's painting becomes integral for a true understanding of the connections within the tree. Though not recommended for Jewish traditionalists, anyone searching for a multicultural approach to the Kabbalah will not be disappointed.
Copyright © Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Product Description - 2005 Coalition of Visionary Resources (COVR) 2nd Runner Up in Non-Fiction category!
Kabbalah's most famous symbol, the Tree of Life, has become the organizing principle behind our human efforts to understand the world. Using Hermann Haindl's lush depiction of the Tree of Life, Rachel Pollack examines the message behind this ancient symbol. She takes a non-denominational approach - drawing upon unusual sources such as tribal and shamanic traditions, modern science, contemporary Kabbalists, tarot interpreters, and a comic book writer - to explore the Tree's meaning. Along the way, we learn more about Kabbalah's history, texts, mystical concepts, and why this esoteric tradition has sprung up again in the twenty-first century.
Origins of the Kabbalah by Gershom Gerhard Scholem and Allan Arkush - Editorial Reviews - Review - Gershom Scholem's Origins of the Kabbalah provides a painstakingly detailed history of Kabbalah's rise among medieval French and Spanish Jews, describes the first publication of Jewish mystical texts, and investigates the growth of their influence on Jewish religious life. The book also doubles back to describe secret traditions of Jewish Gnosticism, which describe a Creation story so numerological and esoteric it makes the New Testament book of Revelation look as simple and straightforward as a Saturday-morning cartoon. This book is much denser than Scholem's excellent On the Kabbalah and its Symbolism, but for readers with a basic knowledge of Kabbalah, it shouldn't be rough going. --Michael Joseph Gross
Review - This book has been a classic in its field since it was first issued in 1950, and it still stands as uniquely authoritative and intriguingly instructive. . . . [It is] a monument of revelation and insight bridging anthropology, religion, sociology, and history. --Review
[Scholem] labors the wealth, even the scandal, of the past in order to multiply options of survival. No great textual scholar, no master of philology and historical criticism commands a technique at once more scrupulously attentive to its object and more instinct with the writer's voice. That voice reaches out and grabs the layman. -- George Steiner The New Yorker [Scholem's] work on Jewish mysticism, messianism, and sectarianism, spanning now half a century, constitutes ... one of the major achievements of the historical imagination in our time. I would contend that it is of vital interest not only to anyone concerned with the history of religion but to anyone struggling to understand the underlying problematics of the human predicament. -- Robert Alter Commentary This book has been a classic in its field since it was first issued in 1950, and it still stands as uniquely authoritative and intriguingly instructive... [It is] a monument of revelation and insight bridging anthropology, religion, sociology, and history. --Publishers Weekly
Product Description - One of the most important scholars of our century, Gershom Scholem (1897-1982) opened up a once esoteric world of Jewish mysticism, the Kabbalah, to concerned students of religion. The Kabbalah is a rich tradition of repeated attempts to achieve and portray direct experiences of God: its twelfth-and thirteenth-century beginnings in southern France and Spain are probed in Origins of the Kabbalah, a work crucial in Scholem's oeuvre. The book is a contribution not only to the history of Jewish medieval mysticism but also to the study of medieval mysticism in general and will be of interest to historians and psychologists, as well as to students of the history of religion.
Ecstatic Kabbalah by David A. Cooper - Product Description - Kabbalah‹the secret is out! From Madonna's controversial conversion to the Dalai Lama's acknowledgment and support, this mystical tradition is gaining unprecedented recognition. But how do we put this powerful and esoteric worldview into practice? With The Ecstatic Kabbalah, Rabbi David Cooper‹ author of God Is a Verb (100,000 copies sold, Riverhead, 1958), and a renowned leader of the Jewish meditation movement‹provides practical exercises on the path toward "mending the soul," the fundamental Jewish experience that brings union with the Divine. With meditation techniques for both beginning and advanced practitioners, The Ecstatic Kabbalah guides listeners into awareness of the "presence of light" with experiential practices for touching the four worlds of mystical Judaism: * Physical‹breath work and mind-body harmonization * Emotional‹tone the divine names as an expression of devotion * Mental--learn the histories of these techniques * Spiritual--stabilize your connection with divine presence Finally, the long-sequestered doors of Kabbalah are open to all listeners, as they are invited to dwell in the embrace of the Divine with The Ecstatic Kabbalah's practices of daily renewal.
About the Author - Rabbi David A. Cooper has been called "one of today's leading teachers of Jewish meditation." He is an active student of the world's great spiritual traditions and the author of many books, including Entering the Sacred Mountain (Harmony, 1995);Th e Heart of Stillness (Skylight Paths, 1999); Silence, Simplicity, and Solitude (Skylight Paths, 1999); and Renewing Your Soul (HarperSanFransisco, 1995). His most recent book is God Is a Verb: Kabbalah and the Practice of Mystical Judaism.
Simple Kabbalah (Simple Wisdom Book) by Kim Zetter - Editorial Reviews - From Publishers Weekly
To convert complex spiritual ideas to clear, lucid terms, Conari Press established the Simple Wisdom series. Simple Kabbalah follows comparable books on Feng Shui and Meditation in attempting to make esoteric topics readily accessible. Kabbalah, or "received tradition," is the Jewish mystical answer to all questions about God, people and the universe, supposedly hidden within the Hebrew Scripture. Kabbalists devote themselves to unraveling these secrets. Zetter, a journalist who specializes in Jewish affairs, began studying Kabbalah 10 years ago when she lived in Israel. She provides a straightforward explanation of Kabbalah and then offers a brief history, beginning in the 12th and 13th centuries, when the canonical text of Kabbalah, the Book of Zohar, appeared. Next, she sets forth key principles of Kabbalah and examines the text of Genesis to demonstrate the techniques Kabbalists use to unearth deeper meanings in received traditions. A chapter is devoted to the Tree of Life, the crucial symbol of Kabbalah, and the book concludes by exploring Kabbalah's significance for human behavior. The labyrinthine mysteries of Kabbalah remain perplexing, but this book is a useful introduction for those who wish to investigate arcane elements of Jewish theology and philosophy. (Nov.) Copyright 1999 Reed Business Information, Inc.
From Library Journal - This latest entry in the "Simple Wisdom" series has the courageous goal of attempting to make the notoriously forbidding practices and ideas of Jewish mysticism of the Kabbalah "simple." Zetter, a longtime journalist on Jewish and Israeli topics, has done an admirable job making Kabbalah accessible, with clear descriptions of the history of Kabbalah, its theology, and of the mystical Tree of Life at its center. Highly recommended, especially for collections where Jewish topics are in demand. Copyright 1999 Reed Business Information, Inc.
The Kabbalah Tree of Life Ritual Book by Kuriakos - Product Description - Kabbalah is one of the most powerful ways to change your life and bring money, success, love, psychic abilities, health and a powerful spiritual journey. This book, The Kabbalah Tree of Life Ritual Book, opens up these mystical secrets and shows you step by step how to easily open up the door to each Sephira on the Tree of Life. In chapter 1 The Kabbalah Ritual shows you step by step how to easily open up each path and in chapter 2 The Kabbalah Paths shows you each path and information about it starting with Path 32 Malkuth and working your way up to the top of the Tree of Life with Path 11 Kether. Finally in chapter 3 The Kabbalah Journal is for writing down all of your journeys. After thousand of years the secrets to the Kabbalah Tree of Life are finally unveiled and the powerful visions you will experience along your journey are ready to unfold...
Symbols of the Kabbalah: Philosophical and Psychological Perspectives by Sanford L. Drob - Product Description - Symbols of the Kabbalah: Philosophical and Psychological Perspectives provides a philosophical and psychological interpretation of the major symbols of the theosophical Kabbalah. It shows that the Kabbalah, particularly as it is expressed in the school of Isaac Luria, provides a coherent and comprehensive account of the cosmos, and humanity's role within it, that is intellectually, morally, and spiritually significant for contemporary life.
Sacred Geometry: Deciphering the Code by Stephen Skinner - Editorial Review - From Booklist - Skinner, credited with introducing feng shui to the West, continues his search for the underlying order of the world with this beautifully illustrated examination of the notion that some geometries reveal hidden truths about the way the universe operates. Beginning with the Greeks, such as Euclid and Pythagoras, who, Skinner explains, invented geometry as a means of constructing sacred buildings in a way that was pleasing to the gods, the text explores a variety of natural and human-made examples of sacred geometry, including the construction of Stonehenge, the shapes of crystals, and the idea of "living spirals" (the horn of a goat, the shell of a nautilus, or DNA). While some parts of the book are harder to accept than others--see, for example, the discussion of crop circles--Skinner argues persuasively that many aspects of art, architecture, and science are linked through mathematics to universal principles that govern the universe. The book's success depends entirely on how much stock one puts in this basic premise, but Skinner makes a remarkably elegant case. David Pitt - Copyright © American Library Association. All rights reserved --This text refers to the Hardcover edition.
Product Description - A fascinating and inspirational look at the vital link between the hidden geometrical order of the universe, geometry in nature, and the geometry of the man-made world.
The Da Vinci Code has awakened the public to the powerful and very ancient idea that religious truths and mathematical principles are intimately intertwined. Sacred Geometry offers an accessible way of understanding how that connection is revealed in nature and the arts. Over the centuries, temple builders have relied on magic numbers to shape sacred spaces, astronomers have used geometry to calculate holy seasons, and philosophers have observed the harmony of the universe in the numerical properties of music. By showing how the discoveries of mathematics are manifested over and over again in biology and physics, and how they have inspired the greatest works of art, this illuminating study reveals the universal principles that link us to the infinite.
About the Author - Stephen Skinner is a renowned author. He has published over 20 books, which have been translated into more than 16 languages, on subjects such as sacred geometry, geomancy and divination, feng shui and prophecy. Location: UK. --This text refers to the Hardcover edition.
Sacred Geometry: Philosophy and Practice (Art and Imagination) by Robert Lawlor - Beautifully illustrated, well designed, valuable - Lawlor's book has been in my library since 1990. Excellent general presentation on the arts of sacred geometry and mandala. I've read it dozens of times, often for looking for analytical knowledge but sometimes just enjoying the soothing flow of beautiful illustration. Much insight is skillfully enclosed in this slender volume. Highly recommended!
Product Description - About the Art & Imagination Series: Explore a range of interests, philosophies, religions, and cultures - from Kabbalah to Freemasonry, Buddhism to Hinduism, myth to magic. The distinguished authors bring a wealth of knowledge, visionary thinking, and accessible writing to each intriguing subject in these lavishly illustrated, large-format paperback books.
Sacred Geometry (Wooden Books) by Miranda Lundy - Product Description -
Geometry is one of a group of special sciences - Number, Music and Cosmology are the others - found identically in nearly every culture on earth. In this small volume, Miranda Lundy presents a unique introduction to this most ancient and timeless of universal sciences. Sacred Geometry demonstrates what happens to space in two dimensions - a subject last flowering in the art, science and architecture of the Renaissance and seen in the designs of Stonehenge, mosque decorations and church windows. With exquisite hand-drawn images throughout showing the relationship between shapes, the patterns of coin circles, and the definition of the golden section, it will forever alter the way in which you look at a triangle, hexagon, arch, or spiral.
Sacred Geometry [ILLUSTRATED] by Janosh - Product Description - Is there a geometric design to the universe? The ancient Greeks, Mayans, Egyptians, and others believed so, as evidenced by their use of nature's recurring mathematical patterns in architecture, music, and language. Today, this "sacred geometry" finds new expression in the creations of Dutch graphic artist Janosh, whose work has swept across Europe. With Sacred Geometry, he shares the life-changing gift revealed to him in a series of meditative visions he received from an energetic intelligence he calls the Arcturians. How does it work? "The geometric forms," Janosh explains, "provide an extra dimension to our natural senses, activating our physical, emotional, and spiritual evolution." Sacred Geometry gives you all the tools you need to realize your highest aspirations, including: * 33 stunning contemplation cards, each with a hologram and its corresponding theme--plus a display easel * 100-page tracing-paper pad and pencil for a kinesthetic experience with the holograms that "imprints" their underlying messages into your consciousness * 80-page hardcover journal for deeper reflection on the qualities and goals you are working toward Also featuring an 89-page study guide explaining the principles and practical applications of sacred geometry, and a music CD by neuropsychologist John Consemulder for relaxation and focus while contemplating Janosh's art, Sacred Geometry will assist you in the activation of your ultimate potential.
Math for Mystics: From the Fibonacci sequence to Luna's Labyrinth to the Golden Section and Other Secrets of Sacred Geometry by Renna Shesso - Product Description - A Magical Mystery Tour of Math History - Much of what we know as math comes to us directly from early astronomer magi who needed to be able to describe and record what they saw in the night sky. Everyone needed math: whether you were the king's court astrologer or a farmer marking the best time for planting, timekeeping and numbers really mattered. Mistake a numerical pattern of petals and you could poison yourself. Lose the rhythm of a sacred dance or the meter of a ritually told story and the intricately woven threads that hold life together were spoiled. Ignore the celestial clock of equinoxes and solstices, and you'd risk being caught short of food for the winter.
"As thoughtful as it is readable, Renna Shesso's Math for Mystics is the book I wish I had when I first started trying to make sense of the mathematics that underlie so much of modern magic and traditional occult lore. Not the least of its virtues is the way it makes magical number theory accessible even to those who think they don't like or can't handle math. It provides a first-rate introduction to a fairly neglected branch of magical lore." -- John Michael Greer Grand Archdruid, Ancient Order of Druids in America and author of The Druidry Handbook
Renna Shesso's friendly tone, delightful "math lore," meticulous research, and clear information makes math easy to understand. This marvelous book begins with the simplest lunary and planetary math and then tackles the most enigmatic of numerical esoterica such as Platonic Solids, the Golden Section, Luna's Labyrinth, and Benjamin Franklin's favorite way to pass the time, "Magical Squares," akin to the 17th century Sudoku.
For anyone who tried to understand the Fibonacci Sequence of numbers from Dan Brown's (son of a mathematician) The DaVinci Code, this book is for you!
"In times past, math was seen as magic for its power and associations. It was even banned by authorities who thought it a threat--a power that no one else should hold. In this book, that ancient magic is relived, and the power yours."
-- Jeff Hoke, author of The Museum of Lost Wonder
Sacred Geometry Oracle Deck (Cards)
by Francene Hart - Product Description - The first divination tool based on the ancient science and sacred language of geometry.
* A 64-card deck with original artwork by nationally recognized visual artist Francene Hart.
* Allows readers to balance their energy fields and access higher levels of consciousness.
* Comprehensive guide includes spreads, card explanations, and reflective insights from a wide variety of sacred traditions.
Sacred geometry is the key that unlocks all of the world's art, science, and architecture. Called the language of light, its images and shapes are embedded in DNA, mandalas, pyramids, crystals, atoms, and hieroglyphs. Anyone who has ever gazed at a spider's web, meditated on a mandala or yantra, visited a pyramid, walked a labyrinth, or peered through a microscope has felt the effects of sacred geometry. Now the Sacred Geometry Oracle Deck introduces an entirely new way for you to gain access to this wisdom and unlock its power.
With splendid use of the full color spectrum and gentle natural forms, artist Francine Hart has created potent, compelling images accessible to both advanced and novice students of divination. The accompanying text includes a detailed interpretation of each card, sample spreads, and an excellent introduction to the science of sacred geometry. Working with these images balances human energy fields, allowing readers to access higher levels of consciousness, gain insight into life's challenges, and restore their connection to the world.
A Beginner's Guide to Constructing the Universe: Mathematical Archetypes of Nature, Art, and Science by Michael S. Schneider - Editorial Review - From Booklist - In the spiral of the nautilus shell, in the veins of a maple leaf, in the bonds of the benzene ring--everywhere he looks, Schneider sees a cosmic geometry. Of course, the lines of this geometry have long attracted the attention of probing minds, including Pythagoras, Plato, the Psalmist, Demetrius, and Plotinus. The author weaves the insights of these thinkers and many more together in a tapestry of reflections (richly illustrated) on celestial harmonies. Once initiated into the ancient mysteries, the reader will recognize profound meanings--not merely scientific utility--in squares, triangles, and other common shapes. The reader needs no extraordinary expertise in mathematics to explore these pages, just a relish for intellectual adventure. Schneider helps us discover just how much mental energy can fit within the circle of new horizons. Bryce Christensen --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.
The Dimensions of Paradise: Sacred Geometry, Ancient Science, and the Heavenly Order on Earth by John Michell - Review - "John Michell's The Dimensions of Paradise is inarguably among the most important Gnostic transmissions of recent generations. With his candid, uncomplicated style, John has made widely available the visions, the laws, and the numbers held within pure geometry and which integrate earth and sky, movement and form, cosmos and mankind." (Robert Lawlor, author of Sacred Geometry: Its Philosophy and Practice and Voices of the First Day)
"John Michell has produced one of the primary texts for understanding the number system that encoded the prehistoric world view. He reveals how sacred geometry, myth, gematria, and the structure of numbers created a big picture lost soon after Plato, a knowledge replaced by derivative religious and materialistic ideas. The Dimensions of Paradise is an essential key to comprehending monuments such as the Great Pyramid and Stonehenge, but it also provides an initiatory journey into the ancient mind itself." (Richard Heath, author of Sacred Number and the Origins of Civilization)
Product Description - An in-depth look at the role of number as a bridge between Heaven and Earth
* Reveals the numerical code by which the ancients maintained high standards of art and culture
* Sets out the alchemical formulas for the fusion of elements and the numerical origins of various sacred names and numbers
* Describes the rediscovery of knowledge associated with the Holy Grail, through which the influence of the Heavenly Order is made active on Earth
The priests of ancient Egypt preserved a geometrical canon, a numerical code of harmonies and proportions, that they applied to music, art, statecraft, and all the institutions of their civilization. Plato, an initiate in the Egyptian mysteries, said it was the instrument by which the ancients maintained high, principled standards of civilization and culture over thousands of years.
In The Dimensions of Paradise, John Michell describes the results of a lifetime's research, demonstrating how the same numerical code underlies sacred structures from ancient times to the Christian era. In the measurements of Stonehenge, the foundation plan of Glastonbury, Plato's ideal city, and the Heavenly City of the New Jerusalem described in the vision of Saint John lie the science and cosmology on which the ancient world order was founded. The central revelation of this book is a structure of geometry and number representing the essential order of the heavens and functioning as a map of paradise.
Hunab Ku: 77 Sacred Symbols For Balancing Body and Spirit by Karen Speerstra and Joel Speerstra - Product Description - The Hunab Ku glyph, a yin-yang-like spiraling symbol of balance and harmony, represents the ancient Mayan god of creation. This god fills us with intelligent energy and ushers us into the Age of Consciousness, which, according to the Mayan calendar, begins on December 21,2012. HUNAB KU illustrates and describes 77 signs that will help you navigate your way on this journey toward enlightenment. Much like a tarot deck, the book invites you to explore, reflect on, and interpret visual symbols drawn from ancient sites, artifacts, and earthworks from around the world. Believers are drawn to these symbols and sites for worship and healing from the stone burial engravings of Sanchi Stupa, India, to the New Grange spirals in Ireland, to First Nations petroglyphs in the United States. These ancient signposts of the Age of Consciousness are already available to us; let HUNAB KU be your guide.
From the Publisher - *A richly illustrated book that draws on cross-cultural ancient symbols, numerology, archetypes, and earthworks, and the chakras. *Includes 77 vivid full-color illustrations placed within the framework and palette of the seven chakras.
The Fourth Dimension : Sacred Geometry, Alchemy, and Mathematics by Rudolf Steiner and David Booth - Product Description - "Anything dead tends to remain within the three ordinary dimensions, while anything living constantly transcends them" (Rudolf Steiner).
The point, line, plane and solid objects represent the first three dimensions, but a kind of reversal of space is involved in the ascent to a fourth dimension. Steiner leads us to the brink of this new perspective‹as nearly as it can be done with words, diagrams, analogies, and examples of many kinds. In doing so, he continues his life-long project of demonstrating that our objective, everyday thinking is the lowest rung of a ladder that reaches up to literally infinite heights.
The talks in this series and the selections from the question-and-answer sessions on many mathematical topics over the years are translated into English for the first time in The Fourth Dimension. They bring us to tantalizing new horizons of awareness where Steiner hoped to lead his listeners:
"Part of the charm of the fourth dimension is that it is a geometrical concept that interests popular culture as much as it does mathematicians. In both its popular and scientific applications, the fourth dimension has had both gnostic and agnostic exponents" (from the Introduction).
How to Create Sacred Geometry Mandalas by Martha Bartfeld - Product Description - Art Instruction. Contains step-by-step instructions to create 60 mandalas, using compass, protractor, ruler, eraser. Profusely diagrammed. No previous knowledge of geometry is required. Teaches how to improvise to create your own designs. Live tech support via fax and email.
Sacred Geometry Cards for the Visionary Path by Francene Hart - Product Description - A boxed set of cards and book, the sequel to Sacred Geometry Oracle Deck
* Contains 64 full-color cards created from original paintings by artist Francene Hart
* Includes a 160-page guide with wisdom readings for each card and 6 oracle spreads for personal and group readings
* By the creator of Sacred Geometry Oracle Deck
Sacred Geometry Cards for the Visionary Path provides encouragement and guidance to those on the path of conscious evolution. A natural continuation of and complement to the Sacred Geometry Oracle Deck, this divination set by artist Francene Hart contains 64 original full-color images that portray the sacred geometrical proportions in the natural forms of animals, oceans, and celestial bodies. The accompanying guidebook contains detailed interpretations of each card and 6 divination spreads for both personal and group readings.
Integrating math, science, and spirituality, these cards convey the wisdom of ancient cultures in which art, science, and religion were seen not as separate systems but as different facets of the same truth. Working with these cards incorporates this inclusive view into our own lives to bring balance to our energy fields and allow us to access higher levels of consciousness. The wisdom they reveal provides insight into life's challenges and helps restore us to a state of harmony with the natural rhythms of life.
Frequencies of Sacred Geometry 2009 Wall Calendar by Janosh - Product Description - The Greek philosopher Plato said, 'Geometry will draw the soul towards truth.' The mystery of creation lies hidden in geometry. The universe is shaped according to set geometric principles. These mathematical patterns appear everywhere; from the alignment of the stars to man-made architectural buildings. Dutch artist Janosh has incorporated these patterns into his dynamic artwork and invites you to experience them in The Frequencies of Sacred Geometry 2009 wall calendar. This innate knowledge is a universal part of the human brain, because geometry is deeply rooted in our body and cell memory, and is believed to resonate in the subconscious mind. Meditation on these Sacred Geometric shapes can move, inspire and enchant you. After years of working as a graphic designer, Janosh began experiencing visions of transparent energies expressed in different shapes and colors. Thus inspired, he translated these visions into this stunning digital art. Janosh has shown his multimedia presentations to the staff of the United Nations and his artwork has been exhibited internationally.
The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life: Volume 1 (Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life) by Drunvalo Melchizedek - Product Description - Once, all life in the universe knew the Flower of Life as the creation pattern - the geometrical design leading us into and out of physical existence. Then from a very high state of consciousness we fell in darkness and forgot who we were. For thousands of years the secret was held in ancient artifacts and carvings around the world, and encoded in the cells of all life.
Here Drunvalo Melchizedek presents in text and graphics the first half of the Flower of Life Workshop, illuninating the mysteries of how we came to be, why the world is the way it is and the subtle energies that allow our awareness to blossom into its true beauty.
Sacred Geometry is the form beneath our being and points to a divine order in our reality. We can follow that order form the invisible atom to the infinite stars, finding ourselves at each step. The information here is one path, but between the lines and drawings lie the feminine gems of intuitive understanding.
Explore the miracle of our existence by meandering through the wonderland of geometry, science, ancient history and new discovery, seen through the widened vision of Drunvalo and the Flower of Life. Volume 2 will explore in great detail the Mer-Ka-Ba, the 55-foot-diameter energy field of the human lightbody. This knowledge leads to ascension and the next dimensional world.
The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life: Volume 2 by Drunvalo Melchizedek - Product Description - The sacred Flower of Life pattern, the primary geometric generator of all physical form, is explored in even more depth in this volume, the second half of the Flower of Life workshop. The proportions of the human body, the nuances of human consciousness, the sizes and distances of the stars, planets and moons, even the creations of humankind, are all shown to reflect their origins in this beautiful and divine image. Through an intricate and detailed geometrical mapping, Drunvalo Melchizedek shows how the seemingly simple design of the Flower of Life contains the genesis of our entire third-dimensional existence.
From the pyramids and mysteries of Egypt to the new race of Indigo children, Drunvalo presents the sacred geometries of the Reality and the subtle energies that shape our world. We are led through a divinely inspired labyrinth of science and stories, logic and coincidence, on a path of remembering where we come from and the wonder and magic of who we are.
Finally, for the first time in print, Drunvalo shares the instructions for the Mer-Ka-Ba meditation, step-by-step techniques for the re-creation of the energy field of the evolved human, which is the key to ascension and the next dimensional world. If done from love, this ancient process of breathing prana opens up for us a world of tantalizing possibility in this dimension, from protective powers to the healing of oneself, of others and even of the planet.
Embrace the examined vision and understanding that Drunvalo offers to the world. Coincidences abound, miracles flourish and amazing stories of mysteries unveiled arise as the author probes the Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life.
Sacred Mathematics: Japanese Temple Geometry by Fukagawa Hidetoshi, Tony Rothman, and Freeman Dyson - Review -
Now Fukagawa Hidetoshi, a mathematics teacher, and writer Tony Rothman present a collection of Sangaku problems in their book, Sacred Mathematics. The puzzles range from simple algebra within the grasp of any intermediate-school student, to challenging problems that require graduate-school mathematics to solve. Copious illustrations and many detailed solutions show the scope, complexity, and beauty of what was tackled in Japan during the Tokugawa shogunate. -- Peter J. Lu Nature Fascinating and beautiful book. Physics World
Review - Now Fukagawa Hidetoshi, a mathematics teacher, and writer Tony Rothman present a collection of Sangaku problems in their book, Sacred Mathematics. The puzzles range from simple algebra within the grasp of any intermediate-school student, to challenging problems that require graduate-school mathematics to solve. Copious illustrations and many detailed solutions show the scope, complexity, and beauty of what was tackled in Japan during the Tokugawa shogunate. (Peter J. Lu Nature)
Sacred Geometry Oracle by John Michael Greer - Product Description - You are the Architect of Your Own Destiny - Expand your awareness of the universal patterns that shape your life with the Sacred Geometry Oracle. Now, for the first time, you can use this ancient wisdom as a tool for meditation, divination, and self-exploration.
When we get to the point, run around in circles, or go off on a tangent, we're already interpreting our lives in geometrical terms. The same sort of awareness can be turned to the subtle and communicative designs of sacred geometry, making them into symbols that serve as a bridge between our intuitive awareness and the world of our experience.
This Oracle includes:
*Thirty-three cards, each bearing an important diagram from the lore of traditional sacred geometry
*An illustrated guidebook that presents the meaning of each card, how to cast and interpret readings, and meditation suggestions
*Step-by-step exercises for constructing traditional geometric forms and patterns (with the help of your own geometer's tools: compass, straightedge, pencil, and paper), and tool-storing space in the kit box.
Earth-Keeper: The Energy and Geometry of Sacred Sites - Grids, Vortexes and Portals of Gaia, The Living Earth by Tyberonn - Product Description - When you visit power sites and sacred sites, you are clarified and balanced, and you absorb and carry their light within you, and it becomes your own. Power points on your Earth are the very distribution centers of the prophesized event you term the Planetary Ascension, and as such they are tools for the frequencial ascension of both humankind and of the living planet. Includes 32 pages of color photos.
Matrix of Creation: Sacred Geometry in the Realm of the Planets by Richard Heath - Product Description - Reveals the ancient mathematical principles refuting the notion of the solar system as an accidental creation.
* Reveals how ancient civilizations encoded their secret knowledge of the sky in mythology, music, and sacred measures.
* Shows how modern culture can benefit from the ancient astronomical and astrological worldview based on number.
* Shows the role of ratio and harmonic proportions in the creation of the material world.
Humanity's understanding of number was deeper and richer when the concept of creation was rooted in direct experience. But modern sensibility favors knowledge based exclusively on physical laws. We have forgotten what our ancestors once knew: that numbers and their properties create the forms of the world. Ancient units of measurement held within them the secrets of cosmic proportion and alignment that are hidden by the arbitrary decimal units of modern mathematical thinking.
Sacred numbers arose from ancient man's observations of the heavens. Just as base ten numbers relate to the fingers and toes in terms of counting, each celestial period divides into the others like fingers revealing the base numbers of planetary creation. This ancient system made the art of counting a sacramental art, its units being given spiritual meanings beyond just measurement. The imperial yard, for example, retains a direct relationship to the Equator, the length of a day and a year, and the angular values of Earth, Moon, and Jupiter.
The ancients encoded their secret knowledge of the skies within mythology, music, monuments, and units of sacred measurement. They understood that the ripeness of the natural world is the perfection of ratio and realized that the planetary environment--and time itself--was a creation of number.
The Lost Science of Measuring the Earth: Discovering the Sacred Geometry of the Ancients by Robin Heath and John Michell - Product Description - Two leading researchers into ancient wisdom demonstrate that the earth's dimensions were accurately known prior to 3000 BC. These astonishing findings, available for the first time, include a system of surveying and measure based on simple numerical and geometrical rules documents that remnants of this science still existed in medieval times when it became lost. It appears that the system was applied worldwide. Chapters include: Measurement and the Moon; Stonehenge & the Lunation Triangle; The Preseli Triangle; Prehistoric Precision: A Summary; The Numbers that Measure the Earth; Traditions of Ancient Surveyors in Britain; Secrets of the 52nd Parallel; Dates and Speculations "A Summary; Appendices.
Well written, innovative and challenging. -- Aubrey Burl, Stone Circles of Britain, Brittany and Ireland
Geometry of Design: Studies in Proportion and Composition by Kimberly Elam - Product Description - At last, a mathematical explanation of how art works presented in a manner we can all understand. Kimberly Elam takes the reader on a geometrical journey, lending insight and coherence to the design process by exploring the visual relationships that have foundations in mathematics as well as the essential qualities of life.
Geometry of Design-the first book in our new Design Briefs Series-takes a close look at a broad range of twentieth-century examples of design, architecture, and illustration (from the Barcelona chair to the Musica Viva poster, from the Braun handblender to the Conico kettle), revealing underlying geometric structures in their compositions. Explanations and techniques of visual analysis make the inherent mathematical relationships evident and a must-have for anyone involved in graphic arts. The book focuses not only on the classic systems of proportioning, such as the golden section and root rectangles, but also on less well known proportioning systems such as the Fibonacci Series. Through detailed diagrams these geometric systems are brought to life giving an effective insight into the design process.
Platonic & Archimedean Solids (Wooden Books) by Daud Sutton - Product Description - Whereas Sacred Geometry introduced readers to two-dimensional forms, Platonic & Archimedean Solids presents the world of three dimensions, which was understood as early as neolithic time. Daud Sutton elegantly explores the eighteen forms-from the cube to the octahedron and icosidodecahedron-that are the universal building blocks of three-dimensional space, and shows the fascinating relationships between them. For anyone interested in design, architecture, and mathematics, this will be a delight. Wooden Books
Small Books, Big Ideas Historically, in all known cultures on Earth, wise men and women studied the four great unchanging liberal arts -numbers, music, geometry and cosmology-and used them to inform the practical and decorative arts like medicine, pottery, agriculture and building. At one time, the metaphysical fields of the liberal arts were considered utterly universal, even placed above physics and religion. Today no one knows them.
Walker & Company is proud to launch Wooden Books, a collectable series of concise books offering simple introductions to timeless sciences and vanishing arts.
Attractively simple in their appearance yet extremely informative in content, these unusual books are the perfect gift solution for all ages and occasions. The expanding title range is highly collectable and ensures continuing interest. In addition, the books are non-gloss and non-color, appealing to a greener book-buying public. Wooden Books are ideally suited to non-book outlets.
Wooden Books are designed as timeless. Much of the information contained in them will be as true in five hundred years time as it was five hundred years ago. These books are designed as gifts, lovely to own. They are beautifully made, case-bound, printed using ultra-fine plates on the highest quality recycled laid paper, finished with thick recycled endpapers and sewn in sections. There are fine, hand drawn illustrations on every page.
The Golden Section: Nature's Greatest Secret by Scott Olsen - Product Description - A concise and useful handbook on the Golden Section‹also known as the Golden Ratio and Golden Mean. The Golden Section is a line segment divided into two parts, such that the ratio of the short portion to the longer portion is equal to the ratio of the longer portion to the whole. It is one of the most elegant and beautiful ratios of the mathematical universe because of its combination of elegance and simplicity‹hence the divine nature of its name. Drawing on art, architecture, philosophy, nature, mathematics, geometry, and music‹and beautifully illustrated in the Wooden Books fashion with all manner of images‹The Golden Section will tell the story of this remarkable construct and its wide ranging impact on civilization and the natural world.
Create Yourself - Secrets of Self Discovery and Healing with Sacred Geometry by Ivan Rados, Kate Cahill, and Lynda Philippsen - Review - Ivan Rados, the artist who illustrated the healer Adam s popular books, now has a book of his own, chronicling his personal journey and approach to energy healing. He challenges us to look at ourselves and the world differently indeed, a long-term quest, yet his self-help section and visualization exercises are immediately useful and accessible. I have successfully assisted many clients in their healing and am going to share some of my understandings with you. I shall give you some of my experiences and my explanations of them followed by exercises which have helped me and many others. I am certain that they will help you too. My intention is also to assist you in moving from a linear self of limited understanding to a holographic or multidimensional sense of who you are. I will also amplify your spiritual energies, by employing the use of different Sacred Geometry visualizations and creative methods, so that you can begin to consciously activate your gifts, talents, and extrasensory creative abilities. You can learn to heal yourself and others and connect to the multidimensional, creative nature of the Infinite Universe. You can t really arrive at yourself; you can only continue to realize and create yourself. That is the inner process of witnessing. There is no destination. Wherever you are, you are always at the beginning. Also, very often people will come to me to help them find meaning in life. Life has no meaning, so you can t find it. Life is an opportunity to create a meaning. The Infinite Universe is not a thing; it is the Ultimate Creativity. Life does not have a conclusion; it is the participation in life that creates the meaning. Life has to be a multidimensional experience if you want to create meaning, if you want to create your health, if you want to create yourself. --Banyen Books, Vancouver, BC, Canada
Product Description - Create Yourself is a fascinating and essential guide to finding yourself, health, peace and happiness through the process of self-help and visualization exercises with Sacred Geometry. This book is a highly original and inspiring piece of work, specially by knowing that there is no other material giving Sacred Geometry such an important place in our health and self discovery, which will offer readers the potential to recreate and heal themselves through the powerful forces of interconnectedness with each other and the universe. It s like reading a sacred text filled with modern scientific discovery that's written in an easy, clear, and enjoyable manner.
Chartres: Sacred Geometry, Sacred Space by Gordon Strachan and Oliver Perceval - Review - 'Read Gordon Strachan's book and then visit Chartres with an open mind and wide vision, to find personal insight. Illustrated with beautifully prepared drawings.' - Clive Hicks, Caduceus, September 2004 'It does not matter if you know nothing of sacred geometry; by the end of this book you will have effortlessly imbued a firm understanding of what it is, and how it is. [...] It is a fascinating read. Strachan's clear explanations of measurements, together with excellent graphics, take the reader on a revelatory journey of mystical spirituality.' - Logan Lewis-Proudlock, Light magazine, Winter 2003 'An inspiring and informative resource for those interested in religious architecture.' - The Beacon, July 2004 'Will delight anybody who recognizes the influence of the built environment. Copious illustrations adorn the text, illuminate the discourse and delight the eye. Gordon Strachan has produced a labour of love, and it shows.' - Clement Jewitt, Music and Psyche, 2004 'Quite simply, we have here a magnificent building that was produced by a unique blend of masonic skills, religious ideas and earth energies. To walk through Chartres is indeed to walk through a sacred space.' - Fortean Times, April 2004 'Chartres cathedral in France is one of the most important and popular sacred sites in Western Europe. The Rev. Strachan's new study examines the spiritual geometry of the church and suggests its significance is connected to an ancient combination of pagan worship, earth energies and the mystical harmony of Christian and Islamic architecture. Highly recommended.' - The Cauldron, August 2003 'Surprisingly, there's no heresy in this book. It's beautifully produced. It opens our eyes to the story of our historic relations with Islam. The deeper theme of seeing God in the darkness as well as the light is important, and so is the link between the geometry of square roots and the mysteriousness of Gothic, and of God. God isn't in a box, and can't be contained.' The Very Revd Jim Mein, Christ Church Episcopal, Edinburgh 'It is a beautifully illustrated book which explains both the beauty and the geometry of Gothic architecture as seen in Chartres.' The Rt Revd Brian Smith, Bishop of Edinburgh 'A detailed yet reader-friendly exploration of the mathematics of Pythagorean, early-Christian and Sufi geometry, leading to applications in medieval Gothic architecture. The author ends by stating that people are drawn to explore cathedrals ... he feels there is something 'alchemical' in the very architecture of the buildings themselves. I have always felt this and now have a better idea of why. Five pentacles.' - Cerridwen Connelly, Pentacle, Winter 2003
Product Description - In this ground-breaking new work, Gordon Strachan explores the magnificent structure of Chartres Cathedral and its influences on the medieval master builders. Using Chartres as a starting point, Dr. Strachan shows how the origins of the Gothic style‹the pointed arch‹may lie in Islamic architecture. He goes on to a fascinating and detailed consideration of how a particular architectural space affects us, and how sacred geometry creates sacred space.
Beautifully illustrated in a large format, this is an inspiring and informative book for anyone interested in religious architecture and spirituality.
The Golden Ratio: The Story of PHI, the World's Most Astonishing Number by Mario Livio - Editorial Reviews - From Publishers Weekly - Most readers will have at least dim memories from geometry class of the irrational number pi. Theoretical astrophysicist Livio gives pi's overlooked cousin phi its due with this lively account, the first on the subject written for the layperson. Phi is the golden ratio of antiquity (1.6180339887), a never-ending number so lauded for its harmonious qualities that in the 16th century it was dubbed the divine proportion. It is related to phenomena as diverse as the petal arrangements of roses, the breeding patterns of rabbits and the shape of our galaxy. Phi is also claimed to have been crucial in the design of the Great Pyramids, the composition of the Mona Lisa and the construction of Stradivarius violins. Livio (The Accelerating Universe) carefully investigates these and other claims and does not hesitate to debunk myths perpetuated by overzealous enthusiasts he calls "Golden Numberists." This is an engaging history of mathematics as well, addressing such perennial questions as the geometric basis of aesthetic pleasure and the nature of mathematical objects. Useful diagrams and handsome illustrations of works under discussion are amply provided. Livio is gifted with an accessible, entertaining style: one typical chapter bounds within five pages from an extended discourse on prime numbers to a clever Oscar Wilde quote about beauty to an amusing anecdote about Samuel Beckett and finally to an eminently clear explanation of G"del's incompleteness theorem. With a guide to the history of ideas as impassioned as Livio, even the math-phobic can experience the shock and pleasure of scientific discovery. This thoroughly enjoyable work vividly demonstrates to the general reader that, as Galileo put it, the universe is, indeed, written in the language of mathematics.
Copyright 2002 Reed Business Information, Inc. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.
From School Library Journal - Adult/High School-Take something as simple as a line segment and mark it at just the right place. Looking at it with a mathematician's eye, an interesting relationship appears: the ratio between the whole line and the larger of the pieces it was broken into is the same as the ratio of the larger piece and smaller piece. Better known as "the golden ratio" or phi, 1.618- is a number that has fascinated humans for several hundred years, and people have claimed evidence of phi in all manner of things. Livio takes readers on a treasure hunt for phi from ancient times through the present. On the way, he debunks a number of popular myths (e.g., the notion that Mondrian used it in his abstract paintings) and does a wonderful job explaining the Fibonacci sequence and its relationship to phi. Small, black-and-white photos and reproductions demonstrate items mentioned in the text. While it may seem that the author wanders in his expositions, his excursions into history and number games add fun and depth for those who wish to follow. To get the most out of The Golden Ratio, it is best to have an understanding of algebra and basic trigonometry, although the book is great for general readers who don't mind working a little to gain a lot of understanding.
- Sheila Shoup, Fairfax County Public Library, VA
Copyright 2003 Reed Business Information, Inc. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title
The Geometry of Art and Life by Matila Ghyka - Product Description - This classic study probes the geometric interrelationships between art and life in discussions that range from Plato, Pythagoras and Archimedes to modern architecture and art, flowers, shells and marine life, the human face and much, much more. Also explored: the Golden Section, geometrical shapes on the plane, geometrical shapes in space, crystal lattices and many other fascinating topics.
Secrets in the Fields: The Science and Mysticism of Crop Circles by Freddy Silva - Editorial Review - From Library Journal - Silva, who has worked in graphic design and advertising for most of his professional life, conveys his keen passion for earth mysticism in this probing examination of crop circles. He examines the history of crop circles, human interactions with them, their probable implications, and, in a section that is alone worth the price of the books for supporters, their effects on our current worldview. Silva also delves deeply into the evidence for crop circles' authenticity. In arguing that they are transhuman events, he discusses the role of electromagnetism and its effects, UFO phenomena and their relation to crop circles, the relationship between crop circles and healing, evidence supporting psychic ability, and language's ability to affect information consciously and subconsciously (this section is sure to stimulate those who suspect that crop circles are a hoax). Readers may be inspired to reexamine preconceived ideas, as Silva's explanations are detailed and well researched and avoid technical jargon. Footnotes and an extensive bibliography encourage further exploration. Recommended for psychic phenomena or metaphysical and New Age collections in public libraries, and for collections including contemporary works on controversies in science and mysticism. - Leroy Hommerding, Fort Myers Beach Lib. District, FL
Copyright 2002 Reed Business Information, Inc.
Product Description - Crop Circles. What Are They? Who Makes Them? Why Are They Here?
They appear at night, complex designs mysteriously imprinted on fields of almost ripened grain. Nobody knows how they got there, or why. They leave the grain stalks in swirls, virtually undamaged. They exhibit mathematical precision. They demonstrate principles of geometry. They portray ancient religious symbols.
Since the 1980s, some 10,000 crop circles have appeared, seemingly by magic, in England and 25 other countries. Each year the count grows, and the designs get more intricate, even fantastic. Governments tell us they're hoaxes, but the evidence shows that most are not.
What is going on?
Author Freddy Silva lives in Wessex, the four-county area of southern England that has been host to 90 percent of the world's crop circles. In Secrets in the Fields, he takes us on an exhilarating firsthand field trip into the heart of the mystery. Silva takes us to the scene of the enigma, before, after, and during the appearance of a fresh circle. He introduces us to farmers, researchers, scientists, mystics, hoaxers and debunkers. He tells:
* how to distinguish a hoaxed circle from a genuine one
* what the magnetic field disturbances might mean
* what time distortions observed at crop circles might mean
* how sound, light and microwave energy may be involved
* how a theory of music may account for their creation
* what the circle images mean
Deeply informative and copiously illustrated, this is the most comprehensive look at crop circles to date.
How to Create Sacred Geometry Mandalas by Martha Bartfeld - Product Description - Art Instruction. Contains step-by-step instructions to create 60 mandalas, using compass, protractor, ruler, eraser. Profusely diagrammed. No previous knowledge of geometry is required. Teaches how to improvise to create your own designs. Live tech support via fax and email.
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The Flower of Life can be found in all the major religions of the world. In Egypt, whose tradition many people believe is the source of all the monotheistic religions, the "Flower of Life", can be found in the ancient Temple of Abydos. In Israel, you can find it in the ancient synagogues of the Galilee and in Mesada. Go here to learn more.

The SriYantra Penadant: The structure of the SriYantra pendant is one that provides abundance, beauty, and balance between male and female and between spiritual and material. Yantra is a mystical hindu concept that describes a structure or diagram used to balance or focus the consciousness... Go here to learn more.

The Golden Spiral pendant generates harmony and tranquility and is a symbol of natural beauty. The Golden spiral structure represents two well known sacred geometry shapes: the... Go here to learn more.

The Seed of Life is a symbol for the days of creation. It is treated as a stage in the process of creation of the flower of life - a geometrical shape that symbolizes the whole universe. Go here to learn more.

The Vesica Pisces is derived from the intersection of two circles, the Pythagorean "measure of the fish" that symbolizes the mystical intersection of the world of the divine with the world of matter, and correspondingly, the beginning of creation. Go here to learn more.

The Tree of Life is one of the most familiar of the Sacred Geometry Symbols. The structure of the Tree of Life is connected to the sacred teachings of the Jewish Kabbalah but can be seen in other traditions as well, such as the ancient Egyptian tradition. Go here to learn more.

The Golden Spiral structure represents two well known sacred geometry shapes: the golden mean (phi) spiral and Fibonacci spiral. The Golden mean spiral is the secret proportion of beauty as it exists in nature. Go here to learn more.

The Emerald Tablet bracelet contains the symbols of the ibis bird and the feather of Ma'at. The Ibis bird symbolizes Thoth, known as the ancient Egyptian god of wisdom and the scriber of the words of the gods. The feather of Ma'at is the symbol of the goddess of justice, truth and harmony. Go here to learn more.

The Nautilus pendant is based on the structure of the Nautilus shell. The Nautilus shell is one of the known shapes that represent the golden mean number. The golden mean number is also known as PHI - 1.6180339... The PHI is a number without an arithmetic solution... Go here to learn more.

The Christ Consciousness pendant radiates a very high and subtle vibration and posseses excellent healing characteristics. It is called Christ consciousness because it looks like the human consciousness grid... Go here to learn more.

The Mobius strip, also called the twisted cylinder, is a one-sided nonorientable surface obtained by cutting a closed band into a single strip, giving one of the two ends thus produced a half twist, and then reattaching the... Go here to learn more.

The Shefa symbol was received in direct transmission from Archangel Metatron by Dvora Pearlman. It was received as a teacher and a tool to learn, to use and to connect with the... Go here to learn more.

The Merkaba pendant symbolizes the flow of Prana energy (life force energy) in our body. By utilizing the ancient Prana breathing technique, we are able to restore the Prana flow through the pineal gland at the center of our brain. Go here to learn more.

The Flower of Life shape contains a secret shape known as the fruit of life. It consists of 13 spheres that hold many mathematical and geometrical laws. These laws represent the whole universe. Giving the flower of life to someone is like giving them the whole universe in... Go here to learn more.

The Christ Consciousness pendant is made from a combination of 2 platonic solid shapes - the dodecahedron (12 five sided facets) and the icosahedrons (20 triangles). The structure of the Christ Consciousness pendant creates the third level consciousness grid of the human race, which is an electro magnetic field that surrounds planet earth and... Go here to learn more.

The Gordian Knot pendant symbolizes the idea of unity which binds everything into one. The Gordian knot... Go here to learn more.

The Ka Bracelet contains elements from the emerald Tablets and the culture of ancient Egypt. A translation of the hieroglyphs engraved on the bracelet is: "Rise up and awaken, you are not dead, your Ka will remain within you for eternity." Go here to learn more.

The Merkaba symbol is based on the Prana energy field and the aura field. It is one of the most powerful symbols in the world. The Merkaba also helps in our spiritual growth and the connection to the higher self. Go here to learn more.

The Flower of Life can be found in all major religions of the world. In Egypt, the source of all the mono-theistic religions, the "Flower of Life" can be found in the ancient Temple of Abydos. Go here to learn more.

Personal Creation pendant contains the geometrical and mathematical patterns of creation itself as it can be found in nature. The Personal creation shape appeared in the year 1991 in Wessex, England, in a wheat field. Go here to learn more.

The Golden Spiral structure represents two well known sacred geometry shapes: the golden mean (phi) spiral and the Fibonacci spiral. It is a based on a crop circle shape known as the "Hackpen Hill Formation" that formed in an English wheat field in 1999. Go here to learn more.

The Gordian Knot pendant symbolizes the idea of unity which binds everything into one. The Gordian knot... Go here to learn more.

The Abundance Ring Shefa is a word in Hebrew that literally means Abundance. This word, in its highest and most profound meaning, means a tool for creating abundance. It holds powerful kinetic energy, the kind of energy that when coupled with one's intent for the highest goodness and aligned with the Divine will, can move mountains or feed... Go here to learn more.
*Disclaimer: This material is NOT intended for individuals under 18 years of age. Every web page does contain various affiliate offers that if purchased could financially benefit the author. All information presented on these pages is NOT meant to be a substitute for professional help, competent medical advice or treatment. -- Learn more about the author and his websites: Science of Wholeness and Whole Joy -- Copyright © Russell Symonds 2023 - Back to Top (Menu)